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7 Yoga Poses that can help with Anxiety, Stress, and Depression



Yoga is internationally accepted and performed by many good health seekers these days. Especially in Melbourne, you can find a good yoga studio, and professional trainers provide yoga Melbourne sessions. Yoga is different from other forms of exercise. Undoubtedly, it heals the body, but simultaneously, it improves your mind and soul also.

Nothing beats the feeling of serenity, joy and happiness, and relaxation that comes after a good yoga session. Practically, most first yoga professionals are taken aback by how good they feel after a yoga session.

Exercise improves serotonin levels in our human brain, which is one of the main reasons for this feeling of well-being. Dopamine is a part of the nervous system that promotes feelings of well-being. Sadly, it is frequently lacking in people suffering from depression.

Yoga, on the other hand, is not one of those forms of exercise. In fact, in comparison to several optimistic, intense, modern fitness classes, it takes a special, relaxed approach to fitness. As a result, yoga not only raises our blood pressure and improves our mood, but it also calms us all into a relaxed state through mindfulness and breathing techniques. Meditation is a great option for people who struggle with anxiety because of this approach.

If you are used to theta chamber therapy then you must know that its another alternative method to take care of your stress.

But there are thousands of yoga poses; a few are particularly beneficial for anxiety and depression. In this article, we’ll go over a few poses which you can combine out of your practice to improve your psychological health.

1.Simple Pose (Sukhasana)

Easy stance is a great way to recover confidence when dealing with worry, despair, or chronic stress. The feeling that nothing will ever uproot you or throw you off balance can help you beat anxiety. You can gain a sense of understanding, confidence, and strength by sitting erect and with proper posture.

2.Rdhva MukhaSvnsana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

A wonderful pose for suffering from anxiety and despair is an upward-facing dog. Raising your head and chest whilst maintaining your whole flat on the mat is the goal of this position. It clears your mind and body by opening your heart and regulating your respiratory system. Take a few long breaths before releasing the pose gently.

 3: Downward Facing Dog (AdhoMukhaSvanasana)

Among the most popular yoga stances is a downward-facing dog. It can help you strengthen your arms, shoulders, and legs while also lengthening your spine. It also helps you deal the emotional and mental challenges by increasing blood flow to the brain.

4.Be aware of your surroundings (SalambaSarvangasana)

Shoulder stand is a great yoga practice for anxiety and depression relief. Like a downward-facing dog, a shoulder stand enhances blood flow to the brain, improving mental clarity and regulating emotions. If you have neck and shoulder difficulties, hypertension, or are menstruating, you should avoid this position.

5.Forward Fold Pose (Standing) (Uttanasana)

Sitting backward in a folded pose helps to relieve stress in the neck, shoulders, and back. It’s also wonderful for regulating blood flow to the brain and making you feel great on all acromioclavicular levels (also known as stress relief).

6.Pose of a Child (Balasana)

In moments of anxiety or sadness, the child’s position can be a significant source of emotional solace. The pose also helps to relax your nerves by releasing tension in the spine. Take a knee on your board with your big toes together and your legs slightly larger than your hips to do a child’s pose.

7.Corpse Pose (Corpse Pose) (Savasana)

Death pose is among the gentlest and most relaxing poses available in yoga. The meditative stance is great for mind control and relieving tension, anxiety, and depression.

There are a plethora of other yoga poses that really can improve your mental health in addition to these. If you’re having trouble with your mental health, we advise getting a studio that’s right for you and going as often as you can. Yoga will help relieve stress, but the community spirit that yoga studios foster can provide you with the support networks users have to feel a little better.

To conclude

As we earlier discussed, the health, mind, and body advantages of performing yoga each day. You mustn’t try performing yoga poses if you have no clue about it. Always seek the assistance of professional trainers. You will see a positive change as soon as you adapt to yoga.
