NBC’s ‘The Titan Games’ Premiering on January 3, 2019

Dwayne the Rock Johnson is known world over for his work on the big screen but before all of that he was a professional wrestler. A profession known to be one of the most physically taxing and grueling on one’s mind and body. It was working 300+ days a year, working twice in a day, traveling from one town to the other without breaks or meals and put one’s body on the line with the high risk of career threatening injuries. He did all that for years and made a name for himself as the people’s champ and “the most electrifying man in all of entertainment”, a catchphrase that, little did he know, would be more real not so soon after he switched careers.

Titan Arena
Titan Games may seem like yet another Ninja Warrior wannabe but believe me when I tell you this, these contestants are not running a course or overcoming obstacles. Competitors are pitted against each other in a showdown of strength, stamina, speed and endurance. Uniquely designed games seem almost out of Roman gladiator times and that’s what makes them different and exciting.

The Titan Games
The contestants are handpicked by the Rock himself and in January 2019, we will witness something truly amazing on NBC. Power, strength, speed, stamina and a will to compete is what The Titan Arena caters to. Millions of people hold their life’s purpose at the forefront of everything. They have to be better, better than others and more than that, better than their former selves. Titans games is the platform that allows these unique and inspiring people to showcase their abilities and cement their names as Titans.