Eu4 Console Commands | Europa Universalis 4 Cheats

Europa Universalis is a video game that came out in 2013 and one of the most played games of the year. It was developed by Paradox Development Studios. It is a strategy game where players can control a whole nation from the years 1421 to 1800. The game was formed to start historically which also included real time events occurring in the real world. This game is an interactive map of Earth, which is divided into the provinces that compose nations. All of these provinces, in their own each way contribute to their country which could be either positively or negatively.
Opening the EU4 Console
In order to be using these cheats, you would have to open your console during gameplay. Press the tilde key to do this, it will bring up the EU4 console for you to use. If need to activate the game console command, type any of those commands that are listed below and then press the enter key.
Difficulty of the game
Like other strategy games, this one isn’t as easy to master and even though the company was same, the difficulty levels of this game are extremely high. Keeping that in mind, we have got these command consoles listed up for you.
Here is the list of commands for consoles.
absolutism [<Amount>] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] |
Adds Absolutism to the player | |
add_backer [<prov id>] | The province becomes a backer of the current issue in the parliament. | |
add_baseunrest [<Province ID>] [<Base Unrest>] | Adds base unrest to a province | |
add_claim [<Province ID>] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add claim | |
add_colonist [<Country tag>] | Adds a colonist to a country. | |
add_core [<Province ID>] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add core | |
add_devastation [<Province ID>] [<Devastation>] | Adds devastation to a province | |
add_diplo [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Adds diplomatic enroute | |
add_faction [<factionname>] | Adds a Faction to your country | |
add_heir [<Target Country Tag> OPTIONAL] | Adds an heir | |
add_interest [<Country tag>] | Add specified country tag to your interest | |
add_issue [<issue tag>] | Adds issue to a parliament. | |
add_liberty_desire [<Amount>] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add liberty desire to the player | |
add_loyalty [<Target Estate>] [<Amount>] | Adds loyalty to target estate The estates have the following identifier:
add_natives [<ProvinceID>] [<Amount>] | Add natives to given province | |
add_opinion [<Actor Country tag>] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add opinion to/from tag | |
add_pa [<Country tag>] | Add patriarch authority to tag | |
add_permanent_claim [<Province ID>] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add permanent claim | |
add_pi [<Country tag>] | Add papal influence to tag | |
add_prosperity [<Province ID>] [<Prosperity>] | Adds prosperity to a province’s state. | |
add_republican_tradition [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Get republican tradition | |
add_to_curia_treasury [<money>] | Add money to the Curia Treasury | |
add_trait [<personality tag>, <heir> OPTIONAL, <consort> OPTIONAL] | Add ruler personality | |
add_unrest [<CID Type>] [<CID Index>] [<Unrest>] | Adds unrest to a faction | |
adm [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Get administrative power | |
age_consort [<age> <Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Set consorts age | |
age_heir [<age> <Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Set heirs age | |
age_ruler [<age> <Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Set rulers age | |
ai(ai) [<Target Country Tag>] | Enables/Disables AI for all nations or a specific tag | |
ai_budget [<tag> OPTIONAL] | prints AI budgeting information. | |
ai_minister [<0 = army, 1 = diplomacy, 2 = trade>] | Enables/Disables specific AI ministers | |
ai_plan_regions [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Makes ai reevaluate all region assignments | |
aiinvalid | Print invalid AI command counts to ai.log | |
aiview | Toggles additional AI info | |
army_drill [<AMOUNT [0.0, 100.0]>] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Sets drill for all your subunits | |
army_professionalism [<Amount>] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Sets army professionalism for the target country (default value: 100) | |
army_tradition [<Amount>] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Adds army tradition to the target country (default value: 50) | |
assert [] | Asserts trigger (otherwise causes test failure) | |
assimilate [<Province>] [<Tag> OPTIONAL] | Change ownership, core, set culture and religion | |
authority [<AMOUNT>] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Add to a country’s authority (Inti religion) | |
autosave | Triggers an autosave. | |
bearhaslanded [<Province ID> OPTIONAL] | An unwise command to use Spawns Jan Mayen. |
bird_mana [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Get diplomatic power (default value: 999) | |
canals | Debug canals on map | |
cash [<Amount> OPTIONAL] [<Target Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Adds ducats to the treasury. Default is 5000 ducats. | |
center_of_trade(cot) [CoT Level] [<Province ID>] | Create or upgrade/downgrade a center of trade. |
Most commonly used controls
cash (Insert Number) | Extra Money (if not specified, gives 5000) |
manpower (Insert Number) | Extra manpower (in thousands) |
sailors (Insert Number) | Extra sailors |
prestige [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Adds prestige. Gives 5 prestige if no amount is given. |
powerpoints [<AMOUNT> OPTIONAL] [<Country tag> OPTIONAL] | Get power in all powers. Maximizes monarch points if no number specified. |
fow | Toggles fog of war on/off |
ti | Toggles terra incognita on/off |
splendor | Ability can be gained. |
assimilate [<Province>] [<Tag> OPTIONAL] | Change ownership, core, set culture and religion. |
Hope this article helps you a lot in your journey of the game and you enjoy it even more! J