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How to Remove a Repost on Tiktok


Because every video that is uploaded to TikTok has the option to be reposted, you have the ability to share with all of your followers the best videos that you have seen on the network. When you repost a video, your followers will see it in their feeds exactly as if you had uploaded it yourself. This is because the feeds are populated by the platform the video was shared on. On the other side, if you ever change your mind and decide that you want to “unrepost” a video, the procedure to do so is extremely similar to the one that was just detailed. This guide will teach you how to erase a repost from your Tiktok account and will provide you with the necessary steps. So let’s get started:

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How to Remove a Repost on Tiktok

Either the iPhone app or the Android app can be used to carry out these specific actions on your device.

1. Start up TikTok and head to the video that you wish to delete off your page in order to do it.

2. To access the option for sending the video to a specific location, tap the arrow icon that is situated in the lower right-hand corner of the video.

How to Remove a Repost on Tiktok

3. In the top-left corner of the menu, choose the gold option that is coloured gold and labelled Remove repost.

How to Remove a Repost on Tiktok

If you delete your repost, the video will only appear in the feeds of your followers if the algorithm suggests it; it will no longer appear if you share it again. If you do not delete your repost, the video will appear in the feeds of your followers every time you share it. TikTok allows users to repost or remove a video an unlimited number of times without incurring any additional costs for doing so.


Where do reposted Tiktoks go?

You can reshare a video on TikTok by hitting the “Send to” icon located in the lower-right hand corner of the screen. When you repost a video on TikTok, it has a greater chance of showing up in the feeds of your followers, and you also have the option to add a comment alongside it.

When you “Repost” something on TikTok, you are sharing that item on the “For You” page with your followers and friends. If you repost something on TikTok, it will not be visible on your profile page.

Why does TikTok show reposted videos?

Since it was first introduced, it has received a number of updates that have made it possible to make use of a wide variety of new capabilities. One of these is the ‘Repost’ function. TikTokers are now able to share a movie from their “For You” video feed onto the feeds of their friends thanks to a feature called “Repost,” which was added to the app earlier this year.

Can you Unrepost something on TikTok?

You can reshare a video on TikTok by hitting the “Send to” icon located in the lower-right hand corner of the screen. When you repost a video on TikTok, it has a greater chance of showing up in the feeds of your followers, and you also have the option to add a comment alongside it. Everyone who views the TikTok that you have reposted will be able to tell who the original poster was.

How much does TikTok pay per 1,000 views?

You have the potential to earn between 2 and 4 cents through the TikTok Creator Fund for every 1,000 views that your videos receive. After hitting one million views, you should be able to anticipate receiving between $20 and $40.

Why do my Tiktoks get low views?

If the ratio of likes to views on your videos is significantly lower than the normal number, it is quite likely that your account has been disabled. The following is a list of some of the methods that can be used to unfreeze your account: Participating in the videos of other people. Publish stuff that is unique and imaginative.
