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How to Sell Blockbux items in Bloxburg


sell blockbux items in bloxburg Roblox

If you want to sell blockbux items in bloxburg Roblox then you have come to the right spot of finding all the regarding information. In this small blockbux wiki we will walk you through the procedure.

Summary: It is clear that there is no direct method of selling blockbux items in Bloxburg just by trading. Bu what you can do is you can build a house or plot and put blocbux items in it and sell that house or plot.

This is the short answer to the question if you would like to know more about blockbux then continue reading below.

What is Blockbux in Bloxburg? And How to Get it?

Blockbux is a premium currency in the Roblox game Welcome to Bloxburg. Either you can purchase it with Robux, or you can earn it through daily reward system or by performing different in-game activities.

How to Get Blockbux for Free?

As you start leveling up you get more blockbux, when you reach at level 15 you get 350 blockbux. You can level up as much as you want by exercising or doing any other athletic work.

You can get more blockbux by leveling up through other means, such as by doing higher level of jobs give you free blockbox. Even if you do any kind of job you get more experience and having more experience levels you up.

Also you can win in different game events, you can use blockbux to purchase a variety of items, including:

  • Special furniture and objects
  • Mood boosts
  • Outfit slots
  • Additional house plots
  • Game passes

So, having blockbux is not a bad idea as it gives you number of benefits. As you can use furniture stuff to build home or make it unique and stylish. Mood boost feature can be used to improve mood, it can improve your energy levels and productivity. While, game passes will allow you have access to exclusive features and benefits.

How to Sell Multiple Items in Blockbux

Let’s say you have multiple copies of blockbux items and you want to sell them. The procedure to do that would be simple.

First of all you need to go to your bloxburg inventory through inventory tab. Then arrange your inventory and items that you have in excess place them a new house that you are going to build and sell.

Also, remember that once you have places an item in your home, you cannot sell it or trade it with other player. You will have to sell the house.

You can offer building and decorating services to other players and place your blockbux items in their house. This is also another way of selling blocbux items.

Things That You need to know about Blockbux.

You can undo a blockbux item:

If you accidentally place a Blockbux item in your Bloxburg home and decide that you don’t want it, you can use the “undo” feature to remove the item.

When you undo a Blockbux item, the Blockbux you spent on that item will be returned to your balance.


Having blockbux items is really a good thing when you are playing bloxburg. You can maintain your house’s beauty and appearance also you can make some other stuff with it.
