PS3 Model Guide – Which PS3 Model Do You Have?

Not at all like the current gen’s models, the progressions weren’t so articulated at this point they could in any case represent the deciding moment your experience. Repurchasing a PS3 Model Guide in the day wasn’t simple. Beside purchasing utilized or new, you additionally needed to consider the PS3’s model.
There are PS3 models that have PS2 in reverse similarity while others don’t. A few models have more stockpiling limit while others have less yet brag better execution. Gracious, and more up to date models weren’t generally the awesome. It was only totally wrecked.
All PS3 models are in reverse viable with Sone games. Be that as it may, just the first model highlights in reverse similarity with PS3 Model Guide. And still, at the end of the day, most unique models are just in reverse viable through programming imitating, implying that few out of every odd PS2 game is upheld. In any case, the first 60GB adaptation highlights interior equipment that permits it to run essentially every PS2 game without a hiccup, so in case you’re truly keen on in reverse similarity, that is the form to chase down.
PS3 Model Guide are by and large partitioned into two significant classes the more seasoned “fat” models and the changed “thin” models. The subsections of this article will give you more data on the most proficient method to discover and disentangle your model number. This is Best Software For 3D Printing not a top to bottom guide, simply a basic breakdown of the accessible models. This rundown contains all models, with notes on those that were not initially sold in the U.S.
The Different PS3 Models
Before we take a gander at the separated extensive rundown of model numbers, highlights, costs, shadings, and all that makes up each PS3 model number, we should initially speak momentarily about the 3 distinctive PS3 models:
Original PS3 Model (Phat)
In November 2006, Sony delivered the first PS3 “Phat” model. It was named so in light of the fact that it was massive and substantial. This framework played PS3 games (duh!), yet in addition upheld PS1 and PS2 titles.
There were diverse hard-drive sizes surrounding the model and it goes from 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB, and 160GB renditions.
The “Phat” PS3 models can be distinguished by its PS3 Model Guide bends, or in the event that you’re even more a numbers fellow, you could utilize the accompanying model numbers:
The “Phat” PS3 models
PS3 Slim Model
Sony then, at that point began delivering the thin model in September 2009. It got its name since this is 32% more modest and 36% lighter than the “Phat” model. Beside that, it likewise devours 33% less force than its archetype. Taking everything into account, this solitary backings PS1 games.
This framework came in 120GB, 160GB, 250GB, and the 320GB variations. PS3 Slim models have the accompanying model numbers:
The PS3 Slim models
PS3 Super Slim Model
Three years after the Slim model was delivered, Sony chose its extensive PS3 Model Guide was as yet not slight enough, and in this manner the Super Slim model was delivered in September 2012. This is 25% slimmer and 20% lighter than the Slim model. Like the Slim model, this likewise upholds PSone games.
One of the undeniable changes is the sliding plate cover rather than the conventional opening stacking drive. This adaptation just has 2 variations, dissimilar to its Tesla will Unveil Model Y the 250GB and the 500GB forms.
The Super Slim PS3 models are recognized by the accompanying model numbers:
PS3 models
- Unique Model (Phat) – This is the main model that Sony delivered in November 2006. They delivered adaptations that included different hard-drives sizes, including: 20, 40, 60, 80, and 160GB forms.
- Thin Model – In September 2009, Sony began delivering this thin model, which has a case that is 32% more modest than its archetype, 36% lighter, and devours about a third less force. You can pick between 120, 160, 250, and 320GB forms of this model, yet the Slim just backings PSone imitating.
- Very Slim model – In September 2012, Sony delivered this adaptation of the PS3, which was approximately 25% more modest and around 20% lighter than the primary Slim model. The Super Slim likewise includes a sliding plate cover as opposed to the opening stacking drive found on past PlayStation 3 control center. You can discover 250 and 500GB adaptations of this framework available. This is the lone model at present sold in customary retail locations. Like the first Slim model, the Super Slim just backings PSone imitating.
Find the Sony PS3 model number
To find the model and chronic number of the PS3 Model Guide, look on the rear of the framework and find the standardized identification sticker. Under the scanner tag you will see the 11-digit chronic number followed by the model number which starts with “CECH”.