TinyTask 1.72

TinyTask is a moderate and minor (35 KB) console large scale recording and playback instrument. It’s utilized to consequently control the mouse and console activities, in order to finish rehashed PC tasks. Anything you do with the mouse or type on the console while the program is running can be replayed the same number of times as you pick. It records and spares macros as well as aggregates them, transforming your recorded macros into executable projects.
There’s no installer, help document, or anything pointless; only a little EXE program, which doesn’t contact your vault or change your framework organizers.
TinyTask 1.72 changelog:
- Fixed bug with Play Speed not being accurately spared or aggregated (expresses gratitude toward YS for report)
- Fixed issue with Fast playbacks (100x) not appropriately ending on short accounts
- Included File Association alternative with TinyTaskSetup.exe
- TinyTaskSetup > “Include File Association” > double tap .rec document ==> plays recording and finishes
Download: TinyTask 1.72 | 35 KB (Freeware)
Download: TinyTask 1.72 Setup | 1.4 MB
Links: TinyTask Home Page | TinyTask Support
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