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Tips For Going on Holiday Without Stress


A holiday is a perfect chance to escape from your daily routines and explore somewhere new. It’s also a great opportunity to relax and unwind but it’s all too easy to get stressed and overwhelmed when travelling. Here are some tips for how to go on holiday without stress.

Check Your Travel Documents

Be sure to check your passport and travel documents in advance and pay particular attention to the expiry date on your passport as different countries require different lengths remaining for you to visit. If you need a new passport, order this well in advance as there are often long wait times during the busy holiday season. Book flights and train tickets in advance and don’t forget to arrange travel insurance too.

Plan Ahead

When it comes to planning your itinerary during your holiday, don’t be tempted to cram too many activities or excursions into one day, as you won’t have time to fully enjoy or appreciate them if you’re rushing from one to the other. If there are things you definitely want to do during your stay, book these before you go but have backup plans noted down just in case plans get cancelled.

Choose the Right Accommodation

Where you stay is just as important as where you go and you should think about what kind of accommodation will suit you best. If you’re travelling alone, a hotel might feel safer and is a good way to meet other travellers. For families, a holiday home might be a better option, particularly if you have younger children. This will mean you can come and go as you please, you don’t need to worry about mess or noise and aren’t tied down to set mealtimes or food options.

Consider the Weather

No matter how much you worship the sun, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing! Don’t plan to visit a hot country if you’re sensitive to heat, as you’ll spend the entire time sweating and hot weather can even affect your mood, which might spoil your holiday. If you’re already planning a holiday in a warmer climate, take sensible precautions, like packing plenty of sun lotion, and loose, breathable clothing and stay out of the midday sun.

Go With the Right People

When it comes to holidays, one way to lower your stress levels both before and during your trip is to go with someone who you genuinely get along with. If you don’t spend a lot of time with a friend or family member before your trip or you often don’t see eye-to-eye in everyday life, that unfamiliarity and friction will be amplified on holiday. If you wouldn’t be happy to live with the other person, then it’s probably not a good idea to travel with them either!

Travel Light

Travelling light means less stress before your holiday as you have fewer items to remember (or forget!) You also won’t find it as difficult to carry your luggage from place to place and if you only have a carry-on bag, you’ll be able to skip the baggage queues at the airport too. Plus, you won’t need to worry about your suitcase going missing!

Travel Safely

No one wants to think about being injured or becoming unwell during their holiday but these things can happen. That’s why it’s important to take out travel insurance and take care of your general health both before your trip and during your travels. Make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date and follow simple health and safety advice to avoid common accidents like slipping on wet tiles or getting sunburn or food poisoning.

If you’re driving – or even if you’re a pedestrian – be aware that road rules differ from country to country and getting from one side of the street to the other can be hazardous in some countries like Thailand or Vietnam.

You should also take basic precautions to protect yourself and your belongings from crime during your trip. Don’t give potential pickpockets a chance, and keep valuables such as your phone and wallet out of sight in a secure, zipped bag rather than a back pocket and place your passport and travel documents in a locked safe when not in use.
