Tor Browser 8.5.4

Tor is a system of virtual passages that enable individuals and gatherings to improve their protection and security on the Internet. The Tor programming secures you by bobbing your interchanges around a conveyed system of transfers kept running by volunteers all around the globe: it keeps someone from viewing your Internet association and realizing what destinations you visit, it avoids the locales you visit from learning your physical area, and it gives you a chance to access destinations which are blocked.
The Tor Browser Bundle gives you a chance to utilize Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without expecting to introduce any product. It can keep running off a USB glimmer drive, accompanies a pre-designed internet browser to secure your namelessness, and is independent.
Tor Browser 8.5.4 discharge notes:
- Update Firefox to 60.8.0esr
- Update Torbutton to 2.1.12
- Bug 30577: Add Fundraising Banner
- Bug 31041: Stop adjusting network.cookie.lifetimePolicy
Interpretations update
- Update HTTPS Everywhere to 2019.6.27
- Bug 31055+31058: Remove four default spans
- Bug 30712: Backport fix for Mozilla’s bug 1552993
- Bug 30849: Backport fixes for Mozilla’s bug 1552627 and 1549833
- Windows + OS X + Linux
- Update Tor to
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2s
- Bug 29045: Ensure that tor does not start up in the lethargic mode
Operating system X
Bug 30631: Blurry Tor Browser symbol on macOS application switcher
Download: Tor Browser 8.5.4 (32-bit) | 54.4 MB (Open Source)
Download: Tor Browser 8.5.4 (64-bit) | 54.7 MB
View: Tor Browser Website
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