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Why Twitter is one of the top 10 most visited websites worldwide


After launching in 2006, Twitter has risen to becoming one of the most important internet sites in history. It’s a huge factor in almost all of our lives, and celebrities, politicians, countries, and other influential figures and brands have been using it to great affect. Sometimes, Twitter even causes huge events on its own platform while the world watches something amazing happen. There’s no wonder why people from all over the world want to get in on the action. This year, many users will start ‘buy 50 Twitter followers’ subscriptions because they know how popular the site is and what 50 more followers can do for their presence. This article will show you why you too should consider bolstering your Twitter presence with more followers – after all, it’s one of the most popular sites on the entire internet! 

Connecting to New Friends

Easily the most common reason to join Twitter is the ability to quickly gather new people together to make new friends! Twitter has a unique presence both online and in real life – you can easily make friends online through Twitter itself by looking at common interests, or you can make friends in person and then learn each others’ Twitter accounts! This makes connecting to new people a complete breeze. These days, making as many new friends as possible is a big deal!


Almost everyone who goes on Twitter goes on it to kill some time and see what people are talking about. This is a simple past-time for millions of people around the world now and it’s easy to see why! By connecting instantly to the thoughts and words of celebrities, politicians, and best friends, you can find out all the latest news, gossip, and jokes instantly! Twitter is a great way to spend some time and unwind and it can get super fun when you read some really good tweets.

Region Awareness

One of the coolest things about Twitter is its ability to quickly and simply see what’s happening around you. Whether there’s a huge event on and you want to know the best route to take to get there or if there’s an emergency and you need all the information you can to plan around it, Twitter has already been used for a variety of reasons in very important scenarios. This really shows the power of the website and what it can do for everyone! 


Micro blogging

Your thoughts are yours alone and many people might want to read them! One of the most unique aspects of Twitter is its ability to expand your voice and reach beyond what you might have thought possible. You can think up a funny joke that gets retweeted by a celebrity or offer an insightful thought to an artist in need of ideas. The possibilities are limitless and equally compelling all around! No other platform before Twitter has been so successful at giving a voice to the voiceless.

Real-Time News Feed

Similar to the above, another reason Twitter can be incredibly popular is due to the ability to instantly get information. During election cycles, major events, or even local news casts, you can immediately get the latest information about whatever you are interested in, bypassing watching the news entirely. Many people use Twitter as their sole news feed after they follow outlets and journalists!

Brand Awareness

It’s never been easier to keep up with brands or to advertise your own – Twitter makes it incredibly easy and beneficial for any business to get the reach they really want. In fact, marketing on Twitter is a huge industry unto itself with many strategies and tips to follow for the best results! This makes sense due to the size and strength of the platform – with so many people ready and able to see what you’re up to at any given moment, it’s incredibly simply to reach out and say hello. This drives sales and engagement!

Keeping in Touch

Whether it’s your parents who you don’t see very much anymore or a friend who moved away, Twitter is a great way for people to keep together and be reminded of each other’s presence. It’s easy to send a few hundred characters to someone else and that makes maintaining friendships easier than it has ever been before! This plays a very important role for many people across the world since we are entering into a world that is much more distant than ever.

Event Planning

Got a huge event that you need to tell people about? Looking for something to do in your local community? Twitter easily makes both of these possible! By facilitating dialogue between potentially millions of people, Twitter is one of the best ways to get word-of-mouth out there for your event. If you’re doing a local karaoke night at a nearby bar and you need people to come, you are instantly put in contact with locals by using a simple hashtag! 


Twitter isn’t just for the entertaining joke or the interesting ideas, it’s also for serious activism. The ability to collect contacts from around the world to unify a single goal is incredibly powerful, and many causes have been launched and fought for on the platform! The world is changing rapidly and keeping in constant contact with others is becoming more important for a variety of reasons. Activism flourishes in environments like this, allowing change to take the world by storm!

Simple and Easy

People often forget how simple and easy Twitter is to use – so much so that it’s easy to see that this is a clear reason why the platform is so popular! With an account process that’s very easy to set up and the ability to get your thoughts out with a click of a button, Twitter is one of the most approachable and easily-understandable sites on the internet. This ease has opened up its use to tens of millions around the world.

No Commitment

Twitter is by nature a pretty ephemeral service. Tweets are easily sent and easily forgotten, fading away into the ether of the internet without a second thought. This means that it is very easy for people to pick it up, use it for a time, and drop it without hesitation. A laid-back atmosphere like this convinces people not to stress out so much when they use the platform and this encourages them to come back! 

Twitter is Here to Stay

It’s easy to see why Twitter is one of the most popular sites on the internet. It’s easy to use and very entertaining while also giving a platform to voices all over the world. It can give live updates for real-life events and help you plan for all kinds of scenarios. Whether you want to use it to complete serious work, for business engagement for your brand, or just to connect to long-lost friends, Twitter is here to help!
