Women vs Men: Who Plays More?
In fact, today the question of who plays any kind of games, whether independent uk casinos or video games more: women or men do not stand, because so far the number of male gamers greatly outnumber women gamers and this is a simple explanation – the long years of silly stereotypes, the development of games for men, etc.
Today we will analyze this issue in more detail and find out why the game industry is still more associated with the male half of the population.
When computers and computer games first appeared, they were the privilege of the IT sector, which consisted mostly of men, because the technical professions were mostly men, and games were their kind of hobby. The lack of women’s interest in games is also easily explained by the way the games of the eighties and nineties were: difficult to control and understand, with hardcore levels and minimalistic graphics. Their gameplay consisted mostly of shooting, explosions, assassinations, and required incredible perseverance and cool skills, that is, it consisted mostly of a competitive and destructive component, which the average woman is less interested in.
Games were not available to women as easily as they were to men
Now let’s imagine the nineties. If a girl had a brother or father, the only computer or console was always occupied by someone else. And the brother would rather play Contra strike with his friend than with his sister because they don’t take girls to boys’ games.
The girl herself would not have sought the games, because the games of the time united, often, an interesting trend: the main character was a muscular over-pumped brutal man, who smashed and broke everything in his path. Well, either Europe had to be defended from an attack by the Soviet Union, or climb through the dark catacombs.
Besides, let’s not rule out the social aspect: everything the boys do is stupid and unserious, because all they do is play soccer and wave sticks. Girls, on the other hand, play interesting games and have their own secrets. Now add the influence of adults and their active shaping of children’s interests by gender and we can say with certainty that a large stone wall is built between a girl and her interest in computer games.
Gamers were considered “gamers” without a promising future
Later, in his youth, the initial lack of interest in games is superimposed contempt for the stereotypical image of a gamer: he sits at home, in front of the monitor, wearing glasses because of damaged eyes, often playing games on a non uk casino sites in an attempt to make money, but he does not socialize, he does not do sports, and therefore is not “cool” in school and college. He communicates with the same losers, like himself, and from all his even more strange company and reeks of hopelessness and lack of any prospects, much less common interests. Now computer games are not only uninteresting but also frankly harmful and lame occupation, deserving censure.
And if you add to this the scaremongering assertion that computer games teach children to kill, then the wall between women and games becomes the Great Wall of China.
Thus, the generation that is now 25-35 years old is quite clearly divided into two camps along gender lines. There are those who grew up with the axiom that games are cool and fun, and this activity has been with them all their lives, and there are those for whom games are a waste of time that could be spent making money or other useful things. Guess for yourself who is who.
It turns out, as with any other activity in adulthood: it’s much harder to love games and get interested in them when all your life games have been a curiosity at the end of the needle, the needle in the egg from inaccessibility, the egg in the duck from stereotypes, the duck in the hare from fears…
Of course, this answer seduces and talks about the average type of woman. Girls who like games are out there, and there are quite a few of them, but that doesn’t, unfortunately, invalidate the rule confirmed by statistics.
What about now?
Over time, game development companies began to expand their audience and began to make games designed not only for thirty-five-year-old users but also for a younger segment, albeit still male. So games became more casual and more understandable to the general public. The process of popularization of games continued, and at some point, the games became so versatile and multifaceted that girls began to play them as well.
Naturally, women are less likely to play strategy, shooters, and hardcore games, but today’s gaming market is so rich in genres and settings that a lot of games are interesting to play for both women and men. Also, a lot of games with interesting and multifaceted female characters have started to appear.
So now a new generation of women are growing up who have been playing games since childhood and are very fond of them and unlike the women of the 80s and 90s. Therefore, that another 10 years and the ratio of men to women in even the most hardcore games will even out to a ratio of about 60% to 40%. And while men are still among the leaders, it will probably be that way for at least another 10 years.
Today, even despite the active efforts of developers regarding games for girls, still the number of male players greatly outnumber women, because since ancient times, games have been perceived as a male activity. Even though this stereotype has almost disappeared, you have to wait a long time for the situation to improve, but today it is clear that changes will happen anyway.
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