7 Higher Ed Trends to Watch In 2022

Several past decades have seen many new trends emerging in the field of education. As computers took over and classrooms got digitized, the benefits of having technology in the classroom became more apparent, so the trend of switching to digital technology was put on steroids. Additionally, the availability of thesis papers for sale
Educational Trends in the 21st Century
The 21st century saw the rise of the PC, so now every household has one. The 21st century also saw the rise in Internet connections so that the early learning programs could now be enriched, updated, and centrally stored. New technologies also provided new ways of teaching and instruction, so that now we can find most of the information we need on digital projects, such as Gutenberg, or even on YouTube, in video form. These are some new trends in education every student should know. From cleaning to advanced calculus, it is all there.
Educational Trends in 2022
2022 saw the rise of some more educational trends. As the majority of these stem from the recent pandemic and the lockdown measures that have hit the world, these are not quantitative changes or trends in education. Quite on the contrary, they are qualitative changes, which brought new perspectives on educational efforts around the globe. Let’s check out seven higher ed trends to watch in 2022:
- Efforts to Increase Enrollment Rates,
- No Admissions Testing,
- Fight for Foreign Students,
- COVID-Friendly Studies,
- Remote Learning,
- Further Digitalization, and
- Online Courses Boom.
Efforts to Increase Enrollment Rates
As COVID hit, many Universities were forced to close their study halls and switch to online education. These measures saw many students protest, not because the University buildings themselves got closed, but rather because tuition stayed the same. The scalability of online teaching and reduced costs should have been reflected in the prices, but this did not happen. For this reason, many students have decided not to start their studies just yet.
No Admissions Testing
No admissions testing was one of the changes that stemmed from prospective students’ lack of interest in pursuing higher education. No SATs taken into consideration meant that more students could apply to study at Universities and colleges. However, it also meant that the quality of student material colleges could choose and pick from was reduced.
Fight for Foreign Students
Travel bans and restrictions reduced the number of foreign students enrolling in US Universities. This is very bad news, as these students brought much-needed diversity and increased the competition for few available places. Nowadays, many universities fight to bring back their international students and ensure COVID-safety at the same time.
COVID-friendly studies
Taking care of thousands of students on the campuses of large universities and ensuring their safety is a difficult task. Some Uni and Colleges turned to mandatory vaccination. Others stayed reluctant about imposing such rules, especially as younger demographics are not prioritized for vaccination.
Remote Learning
Remote learning over platforms such as ZOOM was a big boom in the industry. While the shares of these platforms expanded beyond their wildest dreams, the real change could be felt in the students themselves. Without a school context and their friends, many feel it is more difficult to focus on their tasks and finish their studies.
Further Digitalization
Further digitalization found its way into schools. Switching to online teaching soon expanded to encompass remote, digital testing as well. Many students welcomed this change, as the time spent in school and commute got reduced. Some even turned to WritingUniverse, to help make sense out of boring ZOOM lectures. This frees up even more time so that finally, some balance can be achieved.
Online Courses Boom
Online courses boomed in 2021 and 2022. Many students realized that the digital age in learning is here, so they increased their purchases of online courses. Students and those good in a diverse range of topics started publishing their own online courses to assist others in their studies for a small sum.
Final Considerations
While changes are always welcome, it is necessary to understand and quantify them. 2022 will see many new emerging trends in education. We should, however, ensure that we do not only embrace the changes but take a critical approach to them. This should help us to use them in a controlled way and reap the benefits.
Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot is very organized. She loves finding just the right balance between private and professional life. She loves landscaping as well and would like to organize a Home Owners’ Association in her neighborhood one day.