One Piece Odyssey – How to Unlock Side Quests

In addition to taking you on a global voyage, One Piece Odyssey has all the typical JRPG elements you might want. One Piece Odyssey has a surprising amount of content to explore outside of the primary quest line, even though it could take some time for things to start happening. After a few hours, you’ll have a lengthy to-do list that includes side missions and bounty hunts. You can learn how to complete Odyssey’s Side Quests in one piece by reading this article:
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What Are Side Quests?
In One Piece Odyssey, your side activities are mostly divided into two categories. Side quests, or side storylines as they are called here, make up most of the game. These quick side trips will give you more chances to earn experience points and resources while introducing you to a larger cast of One Piece characters.
On the other hand, Bounty Hunts—enemies you must find and confront in the real world—will be revealed to you. You will receive money as a reward for doing tasks, which you can use to bolster your crew and purchase new supplies.
And lastly, Memory Links will also be encountered. You and your companions will finish a task in a special location in these special cases. Once you’ve done that, you’ll discover that the reward gives you a unique attack that specific party members can employ in combat.
How to Unlock Side Quests
In One Piece Odyssey, side tasks will present organically to you; however, you’ll have to pursue the main plot for some time before they become accessible. Specifically, they become available in the first part of Chapter 2.
You can start doing side missions as soon as you enter Alabasta and finish the main narrative to the point when you need to use a key to unlock the gate. These will be marked with blue markers on your map, making them easy to find. Check the side missions tab in your log to see if there are any that you’re missing. If it’s filled in with question marks, keep looking for it.
Bounty Hunts
Side missions and bounty hunts start simultaneously, although you must complete a prerequisite before you can start working on the latter. Two side missions will become available to you once you’ve unlocked the gate in Alabasta. To access Bounty Hunts, you must finish “Mediator Marzin’s Quest.”
Talk to the man in the main courtyard’s right corner to learn more about bounty hunts, including where to find them. The notice board will fill with Bounty Hunts and any additional quests you may encounter after doing this initial one.
Memory Links
Memory Links are the penultimate and final type of side mission you’ll encounter. They will be unlocked through plot progression, as with most things in One Piece Odyssey. However, if you’re curious about when that will happen, it’s also included in Chapter 2 along with side missions and bounty hunts.
When you go into Hysteria, Memory Links occur a bit later. There are 13 more places in the One Piece Odyssey universe that you can locate after finishing this quest objective, and each one will have new attacks for you to utilize in battle.
How many side stories are in One Piece Odyssey?
One Piece Odyssey contains 71 Side Stories in all. They can be found in Waford and all four Memorias. The majority of Side Stories are accessible as soon as you launch a new Memoria.
Can you use Haki in One Piece Odyssey?
In One Piece Odyssey, Luffy can use Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as The Color of Observation Haki in the English localization to reveal hidden Record Cubes for the Memorial Log or to highlight powerful enemies that award more Experience Points. These Record Cubes are typically found in locations connected to the mentioned character or where they are encountered during the game’s story.
Is Gear 4 in One Piece Odyssey?
Luffy will use Gear 4 in One Piece Odyssey’s Chapter Eight: Kingdom in Conflict: Battle of Dressrosa. Consequently, in order to get to the part of the narrative where Luffy and his Straw Hat crew battle Donflamingo, players must finish Chapters One through Seven.
Can you play as jinbe in One Piece Odyssey?
One Piece is a battle manga, thus all of the characters would be appropriate for roles in a video game, which helps with this. Since Jimbei doesn’t seem to be making an appearance in One Piece Odyssey, it appears that one of the new Straw Hat Pirates has been left out throughout the lengthy production process.
Can you only play as Luffy in One Piece Odyssey?
All the Straw Hat Pirates are playable in Odyssey, with the exception of Jinbei, who wasn’t even formally a part of the crew when the game was being developed. Franky and Brook are unlocked later on, while Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Robin are all playable early on.