How to Favorite Items in Terraria: A Beginners Guide

Who doesn’t love a favorite list? Why not make a list of your favorite items in Terraria? This way, you can track the best gear and weapons, and spice up your inventory with some awesome new additions.
In this beginner’s guide on how to favorite items in Terraria, we will teach you how to add favorites to your inventory. We will also give you some advice on what to put on your favorites list so that it is complete and well-rounded. For more tips and tricks on how to survive Terraria, visit our blog or YouTube channel today!
How to Favorite Items In Terraria
In Terraria, you have the ability to favorite your items—making them easier to find and use. You can easily access your favorites list by pressing “Y” on a keyboard.
When you favorite an item, it will remain in your inventory even if you collect it again. This way, you don’t have to worry about accidentally picking up the same item twice!
What To Put On Your List
What should you put on your favorites list? There are a handful of items that come to mind that you should start with.
There are many different weapons, armors, and other equipment that you will find in Terraria. To make your favorites list complete, we recommend adding some of the following items:
-Nail gun
Why You Need A Favorites List
A favorites list is one of the most important tools you have when playing Terraria. It helps you keep track of the best gear and weapons, so you can find them easily whenever you need them.
“But why would I want to favorite items?” you might ask. By giving an item a favorite, it will automatically be placed in your inventory tab labeled “Favorites.” You can then quick-access your favorites for easy access to the best gear and equipment. And if you’re looking for a new weapon or piece of armor, it’s super easy to see which items are your favorites by opening up your favorites tab.
So, what should I put on my favorites list?
If you are just starting out in Terraria, go ahead and fill your list with some basic items like Stone Axe, Wooden Bow, Iron Pickaxe, etc. This way, you’ll always have something good in your favorites tab no matter what situation you’re in. But if you want more than just basic gear and equipment, consider adding things like Frozen Tear (amulet), Aqua Scepter (weapon), Angel Statue (furniture), etc.
Video for more Better information
Now that you have a favorites list, you’re able to identify your favorites faster and you can play without having to scroll through your items. It’s also a great idea to have a favorites list if you’re playing with friends so that they don’t have to see all the items you have on your list.
So what are you waiting for? Make a favorites list today!
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