Apex Legends
Apex Legends Download Error for PC via Origin – FIX

Isn’t it annoying when you find an awesome game on a digital store and then you look at the price and it says ‘Free?’ You ask yourself, “what am I waiting for?”, like a normal awesome person would but then you realize that you can’t download it because of reasons A, B and C. I get your frustration my friends and that is why there are people like myself, who make sure that you get the fix you need and as soon as possible.
EA’s new Battle Royale / FPS shooter, Apex Legends went online on Electronic Art’s digital store, Origin. When the news broke, people threw away their jobs and got all over this mother. The specifications for this game are super affordable while the launch it self, snuck-up on people like a creepy vampire sneaks up on a country girl name ‘Suki.’ Free and new doesn’t mean the game is all this and that, bugs and issues are to be expected and Apex Legends is no different.

Apex Legends Character Line-up
EA should’ve done their work before launch no doubt and I am certain that the team is outing their heads together to make the game super smooth and user friendly. In case, you are among those who seem to be having difficulty downloading the game on PC via Origin then my dear friends, here is how you can get out of this rut.
First off, check the required specs to run the game and then double check if your system can handle the load:
- OS: 64-bit Windows 10
- CPU: Intel Core i3-6300 3.8GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor
- RAM: 6GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / Radeon HD 7700
- HARD DRIVE: Minimum 30 GB of free space
- OS: 64-bit Windows 10
- CPU: Intel i5 3570K or equivalent
- RAM: 8GB
- GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
- HARD DRIVE: Minimum 30 GB of free space

Origin Launcher
Now that, that’s out of the way, let’s get you started since the fix is rather simple. In case, it keeps telling you that you don’t have access rights needed to play the game, even after you add the game to your library on the Origin Launcher but the error shows instead then you, my friend need to try the following things:
- Open a web browser
- Search for Touch VPN or HotSpot shield or any reliable VPN service.
- Get it opened and running
- Log in it’s prompts
- Now open Origin Launcher or try the game website
- Change the VPN location to US which most free versions automatically do
- Now add the game to your library
- Log out of the website or launcher
- Turn off the VPN
- The game is now available for you to download

HotSpot Shield VPN
This is a simple method that doesn’t require you to learn anything special or downloading a massive file. Happy Battle Royale my friends. Have fun.
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