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Dead Island 2: Curtis Safe Key Location


If you’ve started the Death of the Party side quest and have located the Valuables Safe but don’t have the key, then you may be asking where to find Curtis’ safe key in Dead Island 2. There’s nothing you’re missing out on; unlike the garage key, Curtis’s safe key isn’t given out until later in the story. In this piece, we’ll show you where to find the Curtis safe key in Dead Island 2:

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Curtis Safe Key Location in Dead Island 2

After a side quest with Curtis has been completed, the player is free to use his house and safe at any time. His wine cellar houses a safe, but he has stashed the key elsewhere. Crystal the Lawyer, a Zombie, holds Curtis’s Safe Key.

Dead Island 2: Curtis Safe Key Location

Crystal the Lawyer, a subspecies of Screamer, frequently visits Curtis at his home. She won’t show up until the tenth main story mission with Sam B, after players have unlocked Screamers. Screamers are the strongest type of Apex Zombie and their shrill cries can cause gamers to shy away. The gamers are likely to be ambushed by other Zombies because of the frightening screams being released by these creatures.

Explosives are the most effective approach to deal with a large group of Screamers and their supporters. Curtis’s Safe Key may be found after completing mission 10 in Dead Island 2. Crystal usually appears on the side of the home close to the garden and the guest bathrooms. Killing her will cause her to drop Curtis’s Safe Key.

Dead Island 2: Curtis Safe Key Location

Crystal the Lawyer is a tough opponent, so make sure you have plenty of healing items and healing potions on hand. The house is also frequented by Screamers, so you should be ready to fight off additional hordes of the undead. His wine collection is kept in a small closet in his mansion, not far from the restroom and rear door.

Dead Island 2: Curtis Safe Key Location

Players who have the key can use it to access the safe, where they can retrieve a Tactical Heavy Revolver. Ammo can be crafted or purchased from shops and vendors all across Los Angeles. Firearms in Dead Island 2 can be modified in the same way that melee weapons can to add new powers and increase their damage.


How do you open a Curtis valuable safe?

After you’ve vanquished her, go back to Curtis’ Valuables safe in the wine cellar; it’s near the garage and opposite the utility room. Open the safe with Curtis’ key and collect your rewards: a handgun and a tidy sum of money.

Who is the best character in Dead Island 2?

Dani is the game’s most effective Slayer. Her explosive personality matches the ferocity of her Innate Skills. Dani is a fan favorite if you enjoy characters who are clever and, at times, caustic. Simply put, she is one of the best playable characters.

Are there guns in Dead Island 2?

The semi-open landscape is littered with weapons, but you won’t be able to pick up any of them until you’ve progressed far enough in the game.

What is the best weapon in Dead Island 2?

The Bodycount is a Legendary Rifle with a high fire rate that is considered by the vast majority of gamers to be the game’s best weapon.
