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Epic Dungeon Briefs Plus Access & Reward Features


Mythic +

Everything you need to know about the keys for admission to the various levels of the dungeon, the features of the rewards.

Mythic + dungeons, which are unlocked with the corresponding (Mythic) key, are one of the most popular game modes in WoW. It is designed for a team of 5 players and has many features and limitations designed to put tactics and strategy at the forefront of the passage, and not chance or rush.

Everything You Need to Know About Mythic Keys

To enter Mythic + dungeons, you need a corresponding key. It can be obtained in three ways:

Dropped by the final boss of a Mythic (but not plus) dungeon;
Found in the chest of any Mythic+ dungeon;
Awarded from the Weekly reward chest if the player completed the Mythic + dungeon with a team last week.

Mythic Keys Features

– The level of the dungeon directly depends on the level of the key that opens it. In turn, the level of the key that the player receives as a reward for completing a dungeon last week will be one less than the maximum completed dungeon;
– During the week, using one of the methods listed above, you can get only one Mythic Key;
– After a successful passage of the dungeon, taking into account the allotted time, it is strengthened and makes it possible to pass the next dungeon, the level of which is higher;
– If the team was unable to pass the tests in the allotted time, it does not receive rewards and does not strengthen the key. In addition, the ability to move to another dungeon is blocked. To “fix” the key, you need to go through the same dungeon in the allotted time. But at the same time, players do not receive any awards or loot.

How to use the key?

To enter the Mythic + dungeon, at least one player on the team must have a Mythic Key. Upon entering the dungeon of the corresponding level, the player must go to the sphere installed on the pedestal. When you click on it, a window appears where you need to drag the key. Information about modifiers, the level of reinforcement of opponents, etc. will appear in the corresponding window. After confirmation, the timer is activated and the passage will begin.

There are several levels of key enhancement as a result of the passage of the dungeon. They depend on the speed of passage. If more than 20% of the time is left until the end, then the key is amplified by two units, if more than 40%, then by 3.

Mythic + Dungeons – An Overview

Dungeons have several difficulty levels, which open depending on the level of the Mythic Key used. The passage is on time. The team consists of 5 people.

The main advantage of Mythic dungeons is getting high-level gear as a reward. In fact, she is second only to the private in her characteristics. This in itself is attractive to many players. But such raids are especially popular among players who are engaged in boosting mythic +. Equipment obtained in Mythic dungeons is in high demand on specialized sites, where it can be profitably sold.

Dungeons have several difficulty levels. And the level of awards grows accordingly. Improvement of rewards occurs from the first to the fifteenth level of dungeons, the level of equipment remains the same.

IMPORTANT! Loot does not drop from bosses, but is in a chest, which can only be opened after complete passage, taking into account the time limit. It should be borne in mind that the chest appears only after the destruction of a certain number of mobs. Therefore, you need to clean the dungeon carefully.
