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Final Fantasy XVI Fistful of Steel Trophy


Are you a dedicated gamer looking to unlock all the trophies in Final Fantasy XVI? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got a guide for obtaining the Fistful of Steel Trophy. This bronze achievement requires you to execute three Steel Counters in a battle against any boss. In this article, we’ll provide you with the steps and tips to unlock this trophy successfully. Get ready to dive into the world of Final Fantasy XVI and embark on your quest to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy.

Trophy Description

You can unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy by executing three Steel Counters in a single battle against any boss. This bronze rarity achievement is the 31st trophy out of 50, and it can be earned during the main story quest, ‘The Last King.’

Final Fantasy XVI Fistful of Steel Trophy

To perform the Steel Counters, you should equip Odin and his abilities, which can be unlocked during the quest, ‘Brotherhood.’ Ensure to equip Odin’s sword and spam the square button to initiate defense before the enemy attacks. When the enemy approaches with an attack, parry it to execute a Steel Counter. Repeat this process three times to earn the trophy. Choosing a boss with a long health bar like Bighorn is important to ensure the battle lasts long enough for you to perform the required counters.

Fistful of Steel

There are several ways to unlock the Fistful of Steel trophy in Final Fantasy XVI, including executing three Steel Counters in a single battle.

To achieve this, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, unlock the 7th Eikon, Odin, and his abilities during the quest ‘Brotherhood.’ Make sure to equip Odin’s abilities on the Gear & Eikons menu for use in combat. Next, avoid equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion, as it will prevent you from parrying enemy attacks. Choose a boss with a long health bar, such as Bighorn, to ensure it doesn’t die before you can perform the Steel Counters.

Swap your sword with Odin’s in battle by pressing circle and spam the square button to initiate defense. Parry enemy attacks to execute the Steel Counters and repeat this process three times to unlock the trophy. It’s a straightforward task that won’t take up too much of your time.

How To Unlock Fistful Of Steel

Follow a few steps to unlock Fistful of Steel in Final Fantasy XVI. First, unlock Odin and his abilities during the quest ‘Brotherhood’ and equip them in the Gear & Eikons menu. Next, avoid equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion, as it will prevent you from parrying enemy attacks.

Lastly, choose a boss with a high health bar like Bighorn and spam the square button with Odin’s sword equipped to perform the Steel Counters.

Unlocking 7th Eikon

To unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy in Final Fantasy XVI, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the ‘Brotherhood‘ quest to unlock the 7th Eikon.
  2. Obtain Odin and equip his abilities in the Gear & Eikons menu.
  3. Complete the ‘The Last King’ story quest to unlock Arm of Darkness.
  4. Do not equip the Ring of Timely Evasion during the battle.
  5. Choose a boss with a substantial amount of health, like Bighorn.
  6. Press the circle button to swap to Odin’s sword during combat.
  7. Spam the square button to initiate defense and parry enemy attacks.
  8. Execute three Steel Counters to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy.

Final Fantasy XVI Fistful of Steel Trophy

Ring of Timely Evasion

You should avoid equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy in Final Fantasy XVI. Equipping the Ring of Timely Evasion will make you dodge enemy attacks instead of evading them, which won’t fulfill the objective.

This trophy requires you to execute three Steel Counters in a single battle against any boss. To unlock the trophy, choosing a boss with a long health bar, like Bighorn, is important so it doesn’t die too quickly during your attempts to execute the Steel Counters.

Once you have equipped Odin and his abilities, press the circle button to swap to Odin’s sword and spam the square button to initiate defense and perform the Steel Counters. Repeat this process three times to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy.

Choosing High Health Enemy

When choosing a high-health enemy like Bighorn, make sure it stays alive during your attempts at executing the Steel Counters to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy. Bighorn, located in the fields of Corava near the Jaw Obelisk, is an ideal boss for this task. Some enemies tend to die early when faced with strong attacks, which would require you to find another monster and repeat the process.

Final Fantasy XVI Fistful of Steel Trophy

To execute the Steel Counters, equip Odin’s abilities and his sword. Press the circle button to swap your current sword with Odin’s sword, and then spam the square button to initiate defense. When an enemy attacks, parry it and perform the Steel Counter. Repeat this process three times to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy.

Perform The act

Perform three Steel Counters in a single battle to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy. To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Equip Odin’s abilities from the Gear & Eikons menu.
  2. Make sure Odin is your active Eikon.
  3. Press Circle to switch your sword to Odin’s during the battle.
  4. Start spamming Square to initiate defense.
  5. When an enemy attacks, Clive will dodge it and execute a Steel Counter.
  6. Repeat this process three times to unlock the trophy.

Final Fantasy XVI Fistful of Steel Trophy

Remember not to wear the Ring of Timely Evasion, as it will prevent you from parrying and countering the attacks. Choosing a boss with a large health pool, like Bighorn, is recommended to ensure that it doesn’t die before you perform all three Steel Counters. Good luck on your quest to unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Description of the Fistful of Steel Trophy?

The description of the Fistful of Steel trophy is to execute 3 Steel Counters in a single battle. Make sure to equip Odin’s abilities and find a boss with a long health bar to achieve this.

How Many Steel Counters Do I Need to Perform in a Single Battle to Unlock the Trophy?

You need to perform three Steel Counters in a single battle to unlock the trophy. Choose a boss with a long health bar like Bighorn, equip Odin’s abilities, and spam the square button to parry and counter the enemy attacks.

Which Main Story Quest Do I Need to Complete in Order to Unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy?

To unlock the Fistful of Steel trophy in Final Fantasy XVI, you need to complete the main story quest called “The Last King.” Once you finish this quest, you can perform the required Steel Counters in a single battle to earn the trophy.

Can I Use Any Boss for the Steel Counters, or Is There a Specific One I Should Choose?

You can choose any boss for the Steel Counters, but picking one with a long health bar like Bighorn is recommended. This ensures the boss doesn’t die early and you can perform the counters successfully.

Do I Need to Equip Specific Accessories or Abilities to Unlock the Fistful of Steel Trophy?

You don’t need to equip any specific accessories for the Fistful of Steel Trophy. However, make sure to equip Odin’s abilities on the Gear & Eikons menu to execute the Steel Counters and replace the Ring of Timely Evasion.


In conclusion, unlocking the Fistful of Steel Trophy in Final Fantasy XVI is a challenging but rewarding for dedicated gamers. By following our guide and executing three Steel Counters in a single battle against any boss, you can add this bronze rarity achievement to your collection. Remember to equip the right Eikon abilities and choose a boss with a long health bar for the best chance of success. With Odin’s sword and our tips, you’ll be well on your way to obtaining the Fistful of Steel Trophy.
