Gamer Goo Reduces Sweat and Increases Grip

Sweaty palms can be a nuisance and frustrating to a point where you lose the edge to compete at your best. Whether it be Golf, Tennis, or gaming, you need your palms sweat free for the best grip. Well now there is Gamer Goo, a Hand Cream that allows you to keep those palms sweat free for 4 hours at a time.

The product is available in three fragrances peppermint, cinnamon and orange, weird but why not. The company is shipping world wide and initial reviews coming in are not bad at all, whether it will become something main stream is yet to be seen. The company does offer the entire range of ingredients on their packaging and advise all to read it carefully in case of a known allergy. The goo can be easily removed by soap and water. Don’t touch your eye or eat with your hands while the cream is on.

Gamer Goo Packs