How To Add Friends on Apex Legends

While playing Apex Legends alone can be a rewarding experience, doing so with friends might be much more rewarding. The Apex Legends game allows players to queue up for matches with friends across many platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, using Origin and Steam. For the sake of queuing for matches, players can form groups of no more than two other players. You will need to add your friends to your friend list in order to queue up with them. It was initially necessary to add friends from the Origin or Steam client before they would appear on the player’s friend list within the game. The option to add friends directly in-game was later introduced by Respawn, and can be accessed in the ‘Friends’ page available in the main game menu. Learn how to add friends in Apex Legends by following the steps below.
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How To Add Friends on Apex Legends
Here’s how to invite your friends to join you in the game:
1. Select the ‘Friends’ tab from the main menu to get a list of your contact information.
2. To find a friend, go to the lower left corner of the screen and select the ‘Find Friend’ option from the drop-down menu that appears.
3. When you want to look for a friend, type in his or her IGN and then hit Enter.
4. By just clicking on their name, you may send them a friend request.
Remember that you will need to create separate EA accounts for both yourself and the person who will be joined to your team as a result of this. Whether you are unable to discover a player, check to see if they have cross-platform play enabled if they are playing on a different platform than you are running on.
Apex Legends Cross-Platform
During Season 7 of the game, Apex Legends enabled cross-platform play for the first time. Crossplay (cross-platform play) is now enabled by default in the game as a result of the latest update. When the matchmaking process is in progress, PC gamers will only be partnered up with other PC players and not against each other. This is true for gamers on both PCs and consoles. It is possible that your team will be partnered with another team of PC gamers if it is a mixed party, but this is unlikely. Respawn Entertainment has taken this technique in order to “ensure that the console games do not have PC gamers” in their parties, while still allowing console players to line up with their PC friends if they wish to do so.
Why can’t I add friends on Apex Legends?
We recommend that you check your privacy settings for either your EA Account or your Platform account, if you are unable to locate a friend. If you continue to have problems, it is possible that an age limit or parental control is interfering with your access.
Why can’t I see my crossplay friends on Apex?
In the event that your friends who are also playing Apex Legends on Nintendo Switch do not appear in your friend list when you attempt crossplay between PS4, PC, and Xbox, there is only one thing you can do. Once they do appear, you must keep searching and refreshing your friends list until they do appear.