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How to Reply on Discord for Mobile


Discord communications has improved with the addition of a Reply capability. The functionality lets you reply to other Discord users’ comments directly, instead than needing to send your reply like any other communication. Your reply will even include a link back to the comment you’re responding to, making it easy for anybody to follow the conversation.

You’ll also have the ability to tag and alert the person you’re replying to, which is handy if you’re responding to a message received some time ago. Here’s how you reply to messages on Discord, using the mobile versions of the software.

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How to Reply on Discord for Mobile

The mobile version of Discord allows you to respond to other users in a manner that is analogous to the desktop version; the only difference is that you will tap on the screen rather than click.

1. While the Discord app is active, look for the comment to which you wish to respond and select it.

2. Keep your finger pressed down on the comment. There will be a menu presented to you with further choices.

3. When the menu displays, select “Reply” from the list of options.

How to Reply on Discord for Mobile

4. Reply with your typed response. If there is a blue @ sign that says “On” above your message, the person to whom you are responding will be notified that you have responded to their message. If you touch the at symbol, this will be disabled, and the user will not be notified.

5. When you are ready, send the message by tapping the “Send” symbol above your message, or hit the “X” icon above your message to delete the reply.

How to Reply on Discord for Mobile

Your response will be saved to the server if everything is done correctly.


The “Reaction” feature of Discord, which is really helpful, enables you to do exactly that. Emoticons known as reactions can be attached to any post you see on Facebook. To respond to a message with an emoji, move your mouse pointer over the message to which you wish to respond, then click the smiling face icon that has a plus sign next to it and is labelled “Add Reaction” on the very right side of the screen.

Why can’t I react to messages on discord?

At this time, if someone has blocked you, you will not be able to respond in any way to their messages. My opinion is that this should be altered to permit people to respond to reactions that have already been submitted by other users. In a manner very similar to how the reaction authorization is handled in servers. You are not able to add any new ones, but you are able to add on to the ones that are currently present.

Does Discord use react?

Although the Discord app for iOS is created in React Native, the Discord app for Android is not.

How do you activate reactions?

To edit the group information, select the pencil icon located in the upper right corner of the page. Tap your group photo once, and if you don’t see the pencil icon, you need to do that. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Reactions.” Enable reactions and choose which emoji reactions you would like to utilise on your group chat before enabling reactions.

Who was the first Discord user?

One person who goes by the name Vind on Discord was among the first group of individuals to sign up for the platform. It was at the same time that he and his buddies who played Battlefield 4 started doing things more than just talking about the game that they decided to dump TeamSpeak in favour of the app.
