How To Type In Among Us

Communication is essential in a game of deceit like Among Us. Third-party programmes make this less of a problem for those who play with pals. Players on public servers or without additional applications must communicate with others through the game itself, which is not ideal. Despite its flaws, Among Us has a well-developed communication system.
Of course, if a player has an account or not, the system is different. A wheel of pre-written lines is required for those who aren’t signed up for the Among Us programme, but those who are can type freely. Here’s how to get the most out of it.
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How Guests Communicate
The chat icon is located at the top right of the module when in a meeting. After bringing up the chat window and clicking the half-wheel symbol to the right of where they would normally text, visitors may begin conversing. Here, gamers will have seven options to pick from while responding to questions.
Players can also use some of the chat features to fill in any blanks they may have about other players, such as their names, locations, or tasks. When a blue arrow points right to a word’s location, players may see where it will be. The blue arrow to the right of the white bar can be used to submit a statement once it has been completed by the player.
The top category is Accusation. This is where players can Throw suspicion at a particular crewmate in the lobby, offering up testimony (or, for imposters, covering their shady actions). Options include:
- A was chasing B.
- A saw B vent.
- A is suspicious.
- A killed B.
- A didn’t report the body.
- Vote A.
- A is lying.
When players click more on this screen, they’ll be given chat options in defense of a player instead, to protect innocent lives or back up fellow imposters. These options include:
- A wasn’t chasing B.
- A never saw B vent.
- A is good.
- A didn’t kill B.
- Don’t vote A.
- A is telling the truth.
The Questions tab in the middle left portion of the wheel will provide a bevy of different questions for players to ask. These tend to be vague, but probably will help get an answer. Options include:
- What was A doing?
- Who was with A?
- Who?
- Where?
- Was this a dead body or an emergency meeting?
- Where was A?
- Who fixed A? (Systems)
It’s tricky answering a question when using a wheel, but along with the options above, the top-left tab gives a bunch of different short responses to provide someone. Options include:
- Vote.
- A did.
- A was.
- I don’t know.
- Yes.
- Lies.
- RIP.
- A was at B.
The “MORE” tab for this selection includes some negative versions of the responses already shown, as well as a few extra options in general. Among these are:
- Skip vote.
- A didn’t.
- A wasn’t.
- Maybe.
- No.
- Okay.
- Yeet.
- A wasn’t at B.
How Those With Accounts Communicate
In Among Us, creating an account is a cinch. The account tab on the left of the main interface is all players need to do. Players may then click Sign-In. “Do you wish to establish an account?” will be asked by the game at this point. Players will be informed that their account has been successfully created after clicking “OK.”.
During gameplay, players will now be able to type anything in the white bar that runs down the lower portion of the screen. The blue arrow will appear after the player has finished typing. In addition, if gamers preferred to use the wheel, they may still do so provided they have a gaming profile.