How to Upgrade Weapons Cyberpunk 2077

If you want to upgrade your weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll need to find a Ripperdoc. Ripperdocs are vendors that specialize in weapon modifications, and can be found in various locations throughout the game world. Once you’ve found a Ripperdoc, simply bring them the weapon you wish to upgrade and they’ll take care of the rest.
Keep in mind that some Ripperdocs will charge more for their services than others, so it’s worth shopping around to find the best deal.
Weapon upgrades can be extremely expensive, so make sure you have enough money saved up before heading to a Ripperdoc.
Alternatively, you can try to find upgrade components out in the world, which can then be used to upgrade your weapons for free. However, these components can be quite rare, so it’s often best just to bite the bullet and pay for the upgrades.
3 Methods to Cyberpunk Upgrade Weapons Without Crafting
If you’re looking to upgrade your weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 without having to craft them, there are a few ways to do so.
- One way is to simply buy better weapons from vendors. While this may not be the most efficient method, it can be helpful if you’re in a pinch and need an upgrade fast.
- Second way to upgrade your weapons is to find weapon blueprints. These can be found in various locations throughout the game world, and allow you to craft the weapon at a workbench using the required materials.
- Third method is to find upgrades for your weapons as random loot drops. These can be equipped at any time and don’t require any crafting, making them a great way to boost your weapon’s power with minimal effort.
So there you have it, a few ways to upgrade your weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 without having to craft them. Be sure to experiment and find the method that works best for you.
Cyberpunk Upgrade vs Crafting
When it comes to upgrading your equipment in Cyberpunk 2077, you have two main options: either pay for expensive crafting services or find a Ripperdoc to do it for you. While the former option is certainly more convenient, it’s also much more expensive and not always worth it.
On the other hand, crafting your own equipment can be a great way to save money and get exactly the upgrades you want. Not to mention, it’s also a lot more satisfying to do it yourself. So, which option is better?
Well, that depends on a few factors. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of both cyberpunk upgrade options to help you decide which is right for you.
There’s no denying that paying for crafting services is much more convenient than doing it yourself. After all, you don’t have to go out and find the materials or figure out the recipes – you can just hand over your credit chip and let someone else do all the work.
However, convenience comes at a price. Ripperdoc services are notoriously expensive, and you’ll often end up paying more than double what it would cost to craft the same item yourself.