Nexus Blitz Tier List
The Nexus Blitz is a game mode in Overwatch which features two teams of 6 players. One control point is placed at the center of the map and must be captured to win. More information about the game mode can be found on its official website.
In this article, I will give an overview of the six tiers of every hero included in this game mode, as well as my thoughts on each tier.
The tiers are made according to how viable they are in competitive matches. They’re not ranked from weakest to strongest, but instead my personal opinion for each respective tier.
If you’re just getting into Overwatch’s competitive scene, then this article might be useful for you!
What is League of Legends Nexus Blitz?
Riot Games created and distributed League of Legends (LoL), sometimes known as League, a 2009 multiplayer combat video game. Riot’s creators were inspired by Ancient Defense, a custom map for Warcraft III, and set out to create a standalone game of the same genre. The game has been free from its introduction in October 2009, and it has been monetized by developing inexpensive characters. The game is compatible with both Windows and Mac OS X.
The most essential thing to remember in this game is to avoid focusing too much on a single player since he will perish. With that said, some teams are stronger than others, and if you’re interested in joining one, we’ve compiled a list from your Nexus Blitz category.
Tier List for LoL Nexus Blitz
Nexus Blitz is a new League of Legends game mode that was introduced as an experiment. It’s a game mode that focuses on playing with a variety of champions and playing shorter matches. It also offers several new features, such as a random sampling of all of the game’s participants.
The level of the different champions in the Nexus Blitz is referred to as the LoL Nexus Blitz rate. The categories are separated into six groups, S through E, with S being the best and E being the worst.
S, A, B, C, D, and E are the Nexus Blitz categories. So, to begin, let’s begin with the best:
This is the finest Nexus Blitz list, which includes champions with excellent mobility, explosive damage, or crowd control. These are useful for swiftly dismantling turrets and securely escaping if they get stranded in a dangerous place.
They also have outstanding clear wave propulsion and are unaffected by minor waves slamming against them.
- Yasua
- Viego
- Morgana
- Lux
- Lee Sin
- Yone
- Zed
- Ezreal
- Shaco
- Miss Fortune
- Mordekaiser
- Sett
- Xin Zhao
- Master Yi
- Mundo
- Samira
- Ashe
- Teemo
- Sylas
- Sett
- Caitlyn
- Jinx
- Veigar
- Nasus
- Yone
This is a list from the second phase of the Nexus Blitz and contains heroes with good or useful survivability. It is good to choose a team because they have the means to escape dangerous situations and give some kind of shield to their teammates.
- Seraphine
- Volibear
- Soraka
- Trundle
- Diana
- Graves
- Warwick
- Yuumi
- Kai’Sa
- Jhin
- Mordekaiser
- Brand
- Sivir
- Pyke
- Heimerdinger
- Malzahar
- Ekko
- Zyra
- Gwen
- Vayne
- Lucian
- Jax
- Skarner
- Aphelios
- Jarvan IV
- Cho’Gath
- Yorick
- Nasus
- Ziggs
- Kayn
- Viktor
- Vel’Koz
- Vi
- Neeko
This is the third part of the Nexus Blitz series, which highlights champions with powerful support or unusual abilities. It’s a smart idea to form a squad because they can keep adversaries at bay while also providing inspiration through spells like Lucent Singularity de Lux.
- Swain
- Sona
- Nami
- Nautilus
- Jinx
- Kog’Maw
- Nautilus
- Nocturne
- Gangplank
- Shyvana
- Ornn
- Zac
- Zoe
- Leona
- Rengar
- LeBlanc
- Varus
- Leona
- Nami
- Irelia
- Tahm Kench
- Twitch
- Karthus
- Xin Zhao
- Orianna
- Malphite
- Zilean
- Rumble
- Kha’Zix
- Poppy
- Sylas
- Thresh
- Annie
- Evelynn
- Soraka
- Nidalee
- Gragas
- Sion
- Karma
- Cho’Gath
- Kayle
- Seraphine
- Shen
- Yorick
- Zilean
- Draven
- Trundle
This is the fourth Nexus Blitz category, and it features champions who excel at mobility, assist, or flex. These are beneficial since they include magic that may assist your teammates as well as techniques to harm adversaries without causing reprisal.
- Caitlyn
- Camille
- Sejuani
- Darius
- Xayah
- Hecarim
- Alistar
- Cassiopeia
- Riven
- Veigar
- Senna
- Nautilus
- Yuumi
- Gwen
- Neeko
- Wukong
- Diana
- Malphite
- Singed
- Ornn
- Kindred
- Tristana
- Lissandra
- Vel’Koz
- Anivia
- Jarvan IV
- Riven
- Aatrox
- Fiora
- Urgot
- Kassadin
- Lulu
- Annie
- Maokai
- Illaoi
- Gragas
- Singed
- Samira
- Katarina
- Kled
- Taric
- Ahri
- Kai’Sa
- Tryndamere
- Ekko
- Galio
- Alistar
- Rakan
- Karma
- Darius
- Aatrox
- Vladimir
- Shen
- Pyke
- Rell
- Garen
- Xerath
- Aurelion Sol
- Ryze
- Akali
- Fiora
- Heimerdinger
- Jayce
- Lucian
- Talon
- Taric
- Corki
- Nunu & Willump
- Viktor
- Urgot
- Aphelios
- Zoe
- Fizz
- Janna
- Jhin
This is a list of champions available to use, manage, or control the crowds in the Nexus Blitz’s fifth phase. This is a good choice since they may assist their squad by shielding them or slicing adversaries while taking some damage.
- Rengar
- Talon
- Qiyana
- Blitzcrank
- Illaoi
- Quinn
- Gnar
- Udyr
- Galio
- Poppy
- Gangplank
- Karthus
- Rell
- Braum
- Azir
- Olaf
- Lissandra
- Elise
- Rek’Sai
- Kalista
- Swain
- Warwick
- Skarner
- Rakan
- Ryze
- Twisted Fate
- Kennen
- Sion
- Rammus
- Quinn
- Renekton
- Tristana
- Taliyah
- Fizz
- Nidalee
- Renekton
- Zac
- Master Yi
- Amumu
- LeBlanc
- Vi
- Kennen
- Lillia
The Nexus Blitz category’s penultimate list is the worst, including champions that are sluggish, difficult to play, or have few spells. I’m not going to praise your team’s champions since they weren’t well chosen.
- Rumble
- Fiddlesticks
- Qiyana
- Kayn
- Draven
- Janna
- Nocturne
- Garen
- Sejuani
- Tryndamere
- Garen
- Kalista
- Corki
- Evelynn
- Kindred
- Irelia
- Vladimir
- Shyvana
- Kassadin
- Taliyah
- Kha’Zix
- Hecarim
- Udyr
- Azir
- Elise
- Bard
- Rammus
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques: What Does Tier List Mean?
Ans: The champion level is determined by how powerful they are in each area. A list of categories assists you in choose which champion to play next so that you may simply progress or lead with your friends. Depending on his powers and position, each champion will fall into a variety of categories at any one time.
Ques: Do You Jungle Together in Nexus Blitz?
Ans: Each Nexus Blitz unit has two jungle champions, which is a unique mechanism. If you pick this champion position, you will be playing a game that compels you to use Smite and does more to urge you to play with your woodland buddy.
Ques: How Does the Nexus Blitz Work?
Ans: Nexus Blitz is a 5v5 game style in which two players chase each other and three players battle in the same direction. The two highways are divided by field parts and a centre bush near the bottom of the map. This brush may be used to create a concealed game or to help a combined player with a swift ambush.
From a list of all League of Legends Nexus Blitz champions, this was the ideal level.
The LoL Nexus Blitz champion category list is a wonderful method to figure out what sort of champion to seek for in this new game style. Because it rates the champions from strong to weak, this list might assist you in deciding which champions to utilise in your next game.
I hope you liked reading the Nexus Blitz tier list and appreciated this post. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments in the space below.