5 Top Educational Apps for Students

The development of modern technology has made life much easier for students. A phone with Internet access gives them unlimited opportunities in education. They can find any information for free or pay for it, download an essay writing app EssayShark and get a finished assignment in a matter of hours, solve a complex mathematical problem with particular applications or learn to draw without leaving their rooms. We have prepared a selection of the most useful and highly rated educational apps for students, which will be great helpers in getting top grades.
Photomath is an application for working with various equations with the highest usability. It is enough to scan the Math problem (it can even be written by hand, as long as the handwriting is legible), press one button, and a detailed solution, broken down into steps, is ready. At first glance, Photomath seems to be an application for cheating. But in fact, it works in a slightly different way. Sure, it gives complete and detailed solutions to most equations, but the app is designed for learning algorithms and methods. In general, Photomath is an excellent option for students who want to prepare for exams independently or want to catch up on something they have missed. Photomath also has a full-fledged scientific calculator built-in, with which you can solve equations and graph functions. This, too, helps in learning sections of mathematics. All functions work without an Internet connection, so you can take your phone with the app to school or college and not be afraid that the program will be useless.
Geist (Memorado)
High school students, crushed by a ton of information, can be comforted by the idea that memory can be trained like a muscle. The app is especially useful for high school because it allows you to enhance your logic and mathematical abilities, develop self-awareness and concentration in a game form. It will come in handy in exams and life.
Complete Anatomy
This anatomy app is considered the best on the market. It was created specifically for educational purposes. The app allows you to see how a person is built literally in layers: at the level of muscles, vascular system, and internal organs. All images are three-dimensional, so the entire human structure can be perfectly viewed from all sides.
myHomework Student Planner
Time management is clearly not the strongest quality of any student. However, it is what they often lack in order to complete all of their assignments on time. Moreover, with the help of time management, you can learn to finish homework faster. MyHomework Student Planner is an ideal organizer where you can not only store all the information about your classes but also make lists and write down your homework. The app can send you notifications about upcoming deadlines and tests. It combines several apps in one that syncs with all your devices.
ABBYY FineScanner AI
ABBYY FineScanner AI is a highly specialized program for text recognition from pages, lectures, lecture notes, books, tutorials, etc. The application can create a scanned file in PDF, DOCX, JPG, and other popular formats from any printed or handwritten page. The text recognition system has 193 languages. Moreover, you can send the results to your mail, share them with friends, upload them to the cloud storage, send them to other smartphones, and so on.
With the BookScan function, you can scan books or magazines in a full-featured form with automatic page split, page flaw removal, and creating an editable copy of each page.
We hoped you enjoyed the educational apps review and you will find something useful for your studies. Make sure you don’t use the application available on the market for cheating. Remember that even a monkey can pass a test with someone’s help. Use these apps for education and training purposes only.