Destiny 2
How to Master the New Override Activity in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 will receive a new gameplay mode with the release of Season of the Splicer. Override is a matchmade action for six players that is tightly tied into the narrative of Season of the Splicer and boasts some of the best settings that Destiny 2 has ever seen. Even though Override is not particularly challenging, there are a lot of different ways that you can improve your runs. In this guide to the Destiny 2 Override, we are going to show you each and every one of them.
The Season of the Splicer season pass is necessary to participate in the Override activity, and a good number of the weekly challenges for Season of the Splicer need participation in the Override activity. If you are playing a game that is free to play, you should keep this in mind.
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How to Master the New Override Activity in Destiny 2
Step 1: Banking motes
The initial process is simple. Defeat the variety of foes and deposit your motes to the safe zone in the map’s centre. There is a limit of 10 motes in your inventory, and most adversaries will only leave behind a single mote. When motes are deposited, the left-hand bar of the interface advances. The bank will close when you get to the third diamond.
One of the Champions will emerge. As soon as you’ve dealt with it and the other obstacles, you can shift your attention to the bank. Now you should be able to see tiny white cubes floating all over the bank. Over time, the colour of some of them will change to red. Get rid of them with gunfire, then utilise the resulting platforms to ascend to the top of the bank and penetrate its defences there. You’ll need to do this three more times before moving on.
There’s no need to take any additional action, albeit a Data Spike will hasten the results. During the first part, a portal will open near the bank, giving you temporary access to the Vex system. To speed up your advancement, defeat the Champion inside and collect a Data Spike to deposit in the bank. Increased chances of a Network Anomaly appearing during the boss fight are associated with spikes in financial data. Eventually, we’ll get there.
Step 2: Through the Vex network
Once you’ve deposited all of your motes, the bank will vanish, revealing a hole that will draw you into the Vex network, another dimension. There is a brief obstacle course ahead of you, so be prepared to platform and escape danger in order to reach the boss. These parts change from time to time, yet they all share certain characteristics:
- In most parts of the Vex network, you’ll first slide down a long ramp. Jumping off of these could end badly due to the tremendous speed they provide.
- Spinny white lasers and crimson walls are two of the difficulties you’ll encounter on the course. You should stay far away from these things because they will kill you instantly.
- You’ll encounter white, semi-transparent barricades guarded by floating Vex cubes. Take out the cubes, and you’ll take out the wall.
The platforming segment is challenging for those unaccustomed to such challenges. As luck would have it, completion is not required. If at least one of your teammates makes it to the finish line, they can help you up and take you to the boss’s office.
Step 3: Defeat the boss
You’ll face Tacitas, Subjugated Mind on Europa after the platforming section. Big, terrible Wyvern can kill you with a few close-range or far-range hits, so utilise cover and watch your health. This Destiny 2 boss occurs in thirds. Focus fire on Tacitas’ front and back to drain a third of its health. The Scytale will spawn when it retreats to the centre pillar. Defeat the Scytale for a Data Spike, then place it where indicated. Meanwhile, your comrades should blast Vex cubes to destroy the room’s shield.
Repeat this technique a couple of times more, and you’re all done. Beware of Network Anomaly during the duel. Decrypted Data-dropping loot goblins spawn randomly. More Data Spikes boost their spawn chance, according to Bungie. Splicer Gauntlet upgrades require Decrypted Data. After you’re done, you can claim your reward. Using your Splicer Gauntlet to construct a Key Code will spawn a Conflux Chest next to the main one, containing Season of the Splicer gear and Decrypted Data.
Portunos, Subjugated Mind is a Minotaur that will trample you to death in the second Moon Override. Between boss phases is the sole difference. Instead of withdrawing, Portunos will transport you to a distant region with a bunch of opponents and an Unstoppable Ogre. Equip Unstoppable modifications to kill it, then bank the Data Spike. Portunos, Subjugated Mind will fall after three rounds.
Tangled Shore is the last Override location. Thesmotae, Subjugated Mind is an easier Vex Hydra than previous bosses. Similar to previous weeks, the goal is to reduce health by a third, defeat foes, deposit a data cube, and repeat.
Is override still in destiny?
The Override activity has been relocated to the Last City by Bungie in order to ensure that players will still have access to the gauntlet-style game mode even after the original launching location has been removed.
Do you need to be 1300 for override?
Replace Activity with Step-by-Step Override. Before engaging in this activity, it is advised that you reach a Power Level of at least 1300 first, which should not present too much of a challenge for the majority of players.
Can you do override without season pass?
The Season of the Splicer season pass is necessary to participate in the Override activity, and a good number of the weekly challenges for Season of the Splicer need participation in the Override activity. If you are playing a game that is free to play, you should keep this in mind.
What is override last city?
Within the Season of the Splicer content update, the Override action known as Last City may be found. It is the fourth and final Override mission that rotates weekly, and it was released in the second-to-last week of the season. The mission takes place in the Botza Ruins, which are located within the Last City.