How to Enable Friend Notifications on Nintendo Switch

There was once a point in time when receiving notifications had a purpose. They assisted us in looking at what was necessary at the precise time that we needed to look. Nevertheless, over the years, companies have utilized notifications for advertising purposes in inappropriate ways. We are constantly bombarded with notifications on all of our gadgets, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a result of this, it is not a secret that many of us desire that we would never have to see another one again in our lives, particularly when we are playing games on our Nintendo Switch. Or perhaps you are curious as to when your new acquaintances will acknowledge that they have received your request to connect with them. If you enable Friend Notifications, you will always be aware of when your friends are online without having to do anything more. The following is a rundown of the steps required to turn on Friend Notifications on a Nintendo Switch:
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How to Enable Friend Notifications on Nintendo Switch
This is the procedure to follow:
1. Choose System Settings from the menu available on the Home screen.
2. You may access the Notifications menu by scrolling down and selecting it from the side menu.
3. Choose to Receive Notifications from Friends.
4. Choose the user account that you wish to activate friend notifications for and click on it.
5. To activate this feature, select the Friend Request Notification option from the menu.
6. To activate it, select Online Users from the drop-down menu.
7. Make sure the Notify When Friends Go Online option is selected.
8. Choose All Friends, Best Friends, or None.
9. To return to the previous screen, you can do so by pressing the B button on your controller.
When you turn on Friend Notifications, you’ll notice a blue dot next to the names of your friends who are now online.
How can I see my friends activity on switch?
Only the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app allows players to monitor their children’s gameplay activity. There may be fees associated with data. If you have more than one Nintendo Switch console linked to the app, you will be able to switch between them to display the amount of play time remaining on each platform.
What can friends do on Nintendo Switch?
Users of Nintendo Switch can add one another as “friends” on the console. Users who are connected to the Internet can check to see whether their friends are currently online and then play games with them simultaneously. Your user account needs to be linked to a Nintendo Account in order for you to be able to make use of the buddies feature.
Can you see other people’s friends on Switch?
With the latest update, version 2.0.0, the app now enables users to access their own friend codes, identify which of their friends are now online, and modify their online status. In the past, users could only access these functionalities by directly using the Switch device itself.
Why can’t I see my friends play activity on Switch?
It’s a stage or a setting. You have the option of making your gaming activity either public or private. People who have never played the game before have “private” as the default setting for their play activity.
How long does Switch battery last?
The battery life ranges between between 4.5 and 9 hours for the Nintendo Switch, which has the model number HAC-001(-01) and has a product serial number that starts with “XKW.” The battery life ranges somewhere between three and seven hours for the Nintendo Switch Lite, which has the model number HDH-001.