Alan Wake 2 – How to Get Pump-Action Shotgun

The larger the boom, the better when it comes to combating the Taken. Although it’s not too difficult to locate this formidable weapon that Saga Anderson can use in Alan Wake 2, deciphering the code for it is a whole other story. You will come across strong opponents in Alan Wake 2 while exploring the different places, and you will have to protect yourself. It follows that you need some formidable weapons. You can learn how to obtain pump action shotgun in Alan Wake 2 by reading this article:
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How to Find the Pump-Action Shotgun
This weapon might be thought of as a larger, more powerful variant of the sawed-off shogun that Saga first encounters in the early stages of Alan Wake 2. Nevertheless, this weapon remains hidden until the beginning of Return 6: Scratch. The player can find a shotgun on the wall and a break room by going to Tim Breaker’s office, which is next to the holding cells, as soon as the Sheriff’s Station has power again.
You’ve found the pump-action shotgun you’ve been looking for. Or, fortunately, it’s difficult to miss the room after the meeting with Mr. Scratch if, like me, you miss it before. The shotgun is right to the left when the player meets with Casey and FBC agent Kiran Estevez in the Sheriff’s office to decide what to do after blasting Mr. Scratch away. A huge shotgun is displayed on the wall to the left, but it is kept shut with a three-digit lock.
How to Get the Pump Action Shotgun
In Alan Wake 2, the Pump Action Shotgun may be found by going to the “Return 6: Scratch” chapter. You will investigate the Bright Falls Sheriff’s Office in this chapter. Look for the Pump Action Shotgun in a glass display case as you enter the police station. When you locate it, you’ll notice that a three-digit code is needed to unlock the locked case.
In the same chamber is the clue to cracking this code. There is a collection of books written by various authors on the desk. Quincey, Baston, and Westmore are the authors in question.
You must give each letter a numerical value determined by its place in the alphabet in order to decipher the code. The letters A through I in the code correspond to the digits 1 through 9. The pattern resumes from J forward, where J stands for 0 and K for 1. Assign the matching numbers to the initial letters of each author’s name using this code cipher. For instance, Q, B, and W are the first letters in the authors’ names.
We obtain the integers 7, 2, and 3, respectively, by applying the coding cipher. Consequently, 723 is the right code to unlock the case. After you figure out the code, go back to the Pump Action Shotgun’s locked display case. The case will open if you insert the code 723 into the lock. Now that you have the Pump Action Shotgun, you are ready to take on the upcoming challenges.
What is the code for the gun case in Alan Wake 2?
The shotgun in Alan Wake 2 is situated in combo case number 739.
What is the sawed off shotgun code in Alan Wake 2?
Comparing the numbers on the lottery ticket with those recorded in the notebook is crucial in this situation. The numbers in the list are 705, 713, 717, and 723. By that reasoning, the sawed-off shotgun in Alan Wake 2 can be unlocked with the lock number 739.
How do you beat scratch in Alan Wake 2?
Around the lot, keep an eye out for bright red containers; they will be at the lot’s perimeter. To halt Scratch’s attack, you must turn on three of them. You must hold down the action button for a few seconds in order to activate one of the devices.
What is the don’t forget update code in Alan Wake 2?
Considering that the remark advises not to forget to update, 739 should be the next logical code. Get the Sawed-Off Shotgun by entering this code at the combination lock!
What happens at the end of Alan Wake 2?
It is The Presence that transforms reality itself through art, and it seeks to subjugate gifted people to further solidify its hold on the world and drive it toward its vision of an unending circle of adoration.