Alan Wake 2: Rock Rock Tree Code

While exploring the Streamside portion of Cauldron Lake in Alan Wake 2, players will come across a secluded cabin. Fans can find a Cult Stash marked “Rock Rock Tree” very close to that cabin. Three mathematical equations are hidden on two rocks and a tree; entering them in the correct order will unlock the cache, although one of the equations is far more difficult to uncover than the others. The Rock Rock Tree Code Guide for Alan Wake 2 is outlined in this article.
Read Also: Alan Wake 2: How to Find the Shotgun Code
Rock Rock Tree Puzzle Solution
The Streamside Cult Stash is close to the three basic equations that are the first step in completing the Rock Rock Tree problem in Alan Wake 2. Specifically, there is an equation scratched on the rocks behind the stockpile, another on a tree to the west, and still another on a sizable boulder south of the stream. The following equations can be found on certain items, although players will need to use their flashlights to see them in full:
- Rock: 3 + 3
- Rock: 7 – 2
- Tree: 6 + 2
The Streamside Cult Stash can be unlocked with the numbers (6, 5, and 8) found by players that solve the three equations. Fans of Alan Wake can easily access the contents of the container by setting the top disc to the number 6, the middle disc to the number 5, and the bottom disk to the number 8.
The Streamside Cult Stash is equipped with a Hand Flare, a propane tank, and a first aid kit. The two throwable objects have their uses, but the First Aid Kit is perhaps the most interesting thing in the box. For those who have been having trouble maintaining Saga Anderson’s health in Alan Wake 2, this is a welcome opportunity.
Players may want to stop by the aforementioned private cabin after completing the Rock Rock Tree challenge and retrieving the items from the Streamside Cult Stash. If players die in Alan Wake 2, they won’t have to solve the Rock Rock Tree problem again if they make a save here. In front of the cabin is a Nursery Rhyme that needs attention as well.
Alan Wake 2 rock rock tree code
The number 658 is the code for the ‘rock rock tree’ in Alan Wake 2. When you enter this code into the Cult Stash by the river down below Witchfinder Station, the container will open and you will receive:
- x1 Hand Flare
- x1 Propane Tank
- x1 First Aid Kit
Did Alan Wake escape?
When Alan finally reaches the current day, he shares that it was the novel he authored called “Return” that ultimately led to his freedom from the Dark Place. Scratch, however, rewrote the book so that it reads like a horror story that is actually happening.
How many endings are in Alan Wake?
There are no alternate or multiple endings in Alan Wake. Not in any meaningful way. At one point, it seems as though Alan has a choice between two courses, but you aren’t actually granted control over which one he takes. There is only one possible conclusion to the story and it is revealed at the end of the credits.
Are there zombies in Alan Wake?
When compared to typical survival horror antagonists, the nature and origin of Alan Wake’s enemies stands out as the most notable distinction. They are essentially possessed individuals rather than zombies, deformed lab experiments, or other similar abominations.
Is Alan Wake 2 Next Gen only?
Digital copies of Alan Wake 2 can be purchased on PC via the Epic Games Store, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
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