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Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall Best Choice


Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Cyberpunk 2077? In ‘Balls to the Wall,’ you’ll face a choice that shapes the mission’s outcome. Set in Night City’s Dogtown district, this action-packed adventure features intense car chases, fist fights, and confrontations. Will you frame Yuri or encourage Paco to run? Each decision carries consequences, influencing the fate of the characters. Uncover rare weapons, engage in text message conversations, and navigate the dangerous streets. Gear up and prepare for an unforgettable journey in Cyberpunk 2077.

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Talk to the Strangers

While you’re exploring the Cyberpunk 2077 mission ‘Balls to the Wall,’ make sure to talk to the strangers you encounter for potential helpful information or unique interactions. These individuals could provide valuable insights or tips that can assist you in navigating the mission more effectively. Engaging in conversations with them might uncover hidden paths, alternative approaches, or even additional side quests that offer extra rewards.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

These strangers could be fellow residents of Dogtown, members of rival factions, or even innocent bystanders who’ve valuable knowledge about the area. By taking the time to interact with these characters, you may gain valuable information that can aid you in completing the mission successfully. Don’t underestimate the power of conversation in Cyberpunk 2077, as it can lead to unexpected discoveries and advantageous outcomes.

Hansen Sections

During your playthrough of the ‘Balls to the Wall’ mission in Cyberpunk 2077, you can access the Hansen Sections after inhaling the Deep Dive inhaler. This inhaler allows you to experience the events from Kurt Hansen’s perspective, the leader of BARGHEST. In the first section, you must speak with Yuri and defeat Paco in a fist fight. The second section requires you to dispatch a group of scavengers using Hansen’s powerful weapon and high health.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

After completing the Hansen Sections, you must make a choice between framing Yuri or running for the hills. Framing Yuri leads to a confrontation with him, while running for the hills prompts Paco to become a scav. The consequences of your decision will determine the outcome of the mission.

Frame Yuri vs. Run for the Hills

To progress in the ‘Balls to the Wall’ mission, you must choose between framing Yuri or running for the hills after completing the Hansen Sections. Framing Yuri involves meeting Paco and Babs beneath an underpass, defeating Yuri in a fight, looting his body for rare guns, and conversing with Babs in a text message. This choice leads to a confrontation with Yuri, where you defeat him, loot his body for rare guns and an Archived Conversation revealing Paco’s transgression.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

You then go to the Needle, interact with Paco’s hanging corpse, and text message with Babs. On the other hand, if you choose to run for the hills, Paco walks to a nearby car, and you drive to the Grand Imperial Mall. After waiting for a message from Paco, you meet him at the Atlantis and collect the Carmen weapon. The choice you make will have consequences for the rest of the mission.

Frame Yuri

If you choose to frame Yuri in the ‘Balls to the Wall’ mission, you’ll confront him beneath an underpass and defeat him to loot his body for rare guns. This decision leads to a confrontation with Yuri, where you must use your skills to emerge victorious. Once you have defeated him, you can search his body for valuable weapons that you can add to your arsenal.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

This choice may have consequences, as framing Yuri will reveal Paco’s transgression and lead to his demise. However, it also allows you to obtain powerful firearms that can be of great use in your future endeavors.

Run for the Hills

You can choose to run for the hills and meet Paco at the Atlantis, where you’ll collect the Carmen weapon, by driving to the Grand Imperial Mall and waiting for a message from him. Opting to run for the hills means Paco will walk to a nearby car, and you’ll embark on a journey out of Dogtown. After two in-game days, you’ll receive a message from Paco, instructing you to meet him at the Atlantis. There, you’ll finally obtain the coveted Carmen weapon.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

This decision allows you to avoid the consequences of framing Yuri and instead align yourself with Paco’s new life as a scav. Make sure to stay patient and wait for Paco’s message to ensure a successful rendezvous at the Atlantis. The Carmen weapon will undoubtedly be a valuable addition to your arsenal.

Should you frame Yuri or tell Paco to run for the hills?

Choose wisely between framing Yuri or telling Paco to run for the hills to determine the fate of your mission and the future of your alliance. Framing Yuri means confronting him beneath an underpass, defeating him in a battle, and looting his body for rare guns. You’ll also uncover an Archived Conversation that reveals Paco’s betrayal. The consequences are grave, as Paco ends up hanging from the Needle, and you engage in a text message conversation with Babs.

Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall

On the other hand, if you decide to tell Paco to run for the hills, he’ll walk to a nearby car, and you’ll drive together to the Grand Imperial Mall. After waiting for two in-game days, you’ll receive a message from Paco, meet him at the Atlantis, and discover that he’s become a scav. You’ll be able to collect the Carmen weapon, a powerful and iconic assault rifle. The choice is yours, and it will shape the mission’s outcome and your alliance’s future. Choose carefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Start the Balls to the Wall Side Mission in Cyberpunk 2077?

To start the Balls to the Wall side mission in Cyberpunk 2077, you need to talk to Paco and Babs at a specific location on the map. Choose dialogue options that encourage Paco to continue his story and take the Deep Dive inhaler when offered.

What Are the Consequences of Choosing to Frame Yuri in the Mission?

Choosing to frame Yuri in the mission leads to a confrontation with him beneath an underpass. You defeat Yuri, loot his body for rare guns, and discover an Archived Conversation revealing Paco’s transgression.

What Are the Consequences of Choosing to Tell Paco to Run for the Hills in the Mission?

Choosing to tell Paco to run for the hills in the mission results in his survival. You drive him to the Grand Imperial Mall, wait for two in-game days, receive 8000 eddies, and meet him at the Afterlife where he gives you the iconic Carmen assault rifle.

What Rewards Can You Receive From Completing the Balls to the Wall Side Mission?

You can receive rewards such as rare guns from Yuri’s body if you choose to frame him. Alternatively, if you tell Paco to run, you’ll get the iconic Carmen assault rifle.

Where Is the Location of the Mission in Cyberpunk 2077?

The location of the mission in Cyberpunk 2077 is northeast of the Golden Pacific fast travel point. It’s part of the Phantom Liberty expansion and offers a choice that affects the outcome.


In Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall, the choice between framing Yuri or encouraging Paco to run for the hills is a pivotal moment that shapes the outcome of the mission. Each decision carries its own consequences, influencing the fate of the characters involved. As you navigate the dangerous streets of Night City, make your choices wisely and prepare for an unforgettable journey filled with intense car chases, fist fights, and confrontations. Gear up and dive into the thrilling world of Cyberpunk 2077.
