Fallout 76 Nuke Codes Solved For The First Week Of January

The latest Nuke Codes of Fallout 76 has solved for the first week of January 2019, the codes will be available for the duration between January 1st until January 7.
As the fans of Fallout 76, you definitely familiar with the Nuke Codes on the game. Every week, the players should team up each other in order to decrypt and launch different Nuke Codes.
What is Fallout 76 Nuke Codes and how to use the codes?
Fallout 76 nuke codes are useful for prospecting the limited resources in the game. The nukes will hint on places on the maps, which will be the best place to farm the limited resources. Once you launch a nuke, you will able to encounter some horrible monsters there. You will also able to clean up an area and get another different experience with using nukes.
Now how to solve the Nuke Codes?
The great thing is (especially if you’re newbie), you don’t need to be frustrated to solve the nuke codes since the other players have already decrypted the codes. You just need to check out the website, and all the solved codes are accessible for you!
Last but not least, here are Fallout 76 Nuke Codes for January 1st until January 7:
- Silo Alpha 47572867
- Silo Bravo 18092757
- Silo Charlie 05626236
Fallout 76 is currently available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.