Here is all that you need to know about Greenmonday Invest

We were recently made aware of a firm called greenmonday investment (l) ltd and their website which appears to be targeting the Spanish market with an offer of free mobile phones to consumers who purchase adult entertainment services via mobile phone credit top up vouchers. This is highly likely to be an illegal pyramid scheme with significant risks for consumers.
We consider that greenmonday investment ltd is likely to be targeting the Spanish market as they are offering mobile phone top up vouchers known as “pukkazos” by one of their distributors, which can only be purchased in Spain at this time. We do not know the specific location of this firm but suspect they are based in Spain since these can only be purchased there.
We are currently investigating greenmonday investment ltd further to establish their exact nature and activities, including who is involved with them, who owns the website, where they are based and if they are indeed involved in pyramid selling.
We are already aware that this company has an affiliate program which pays commission based on the sale of other people joining greenmonday investment ltd and then paying for adult entertainment services or purchasing mobile phone credit top up vouchers and activities such as inviting others to join this scheme (classic pyramid selling).
What we already know about greenmonday investment (l) ltd and their website
They appear to be targeting the Spanish market as they are offering mobile phone top up vouchers known as “pukkazos” by one of their distributors, which can only be purchased in Spain at this time.
Their website is at We suspect they are based in Spain since these can only be purchased there, however this has not been established yet with certainty.
They have an affiliate program which pays commission based on the sale of other people joining greenmonday investment ltd and then paying for adult entertainment services or purchasing mobile phone credit top up vouchers and activities such as inviting others to join this scheme (classic pyramid selling).
We have been made aware of a Facebook group claiming affiliation with greenmonday investment ltd which is already identified as leading a pyramid scheme, however we do not believe that all participants in these groups are necessarily involved with this firm directly.
greenmonday investment ltd appears to be one of several names used by the same operators at present, some others being G-day investments or Global Day Investment. We believe this company may have previously been known as Global day investment (l) ltd however we are still making further checks on this information.
We are currently trying to establish what, if anything, is behind the current and other names and websites used by this firm and their operators even though we suspect pyramid selling.
This scheme may look like a mobile phone top up voucher scheme to some people but we consider it has many of the attributes of a classic pyramid selling fraud which is highly likely to collapse, leaving many people with significant losses (we estimate over 99% of participants will lose money).
What is pyramid selling?
Pyramid selling is illegal in the UK. If an MLM or direct sales business pays commissions to more than one person then it must be a legitimate company and conform to the rules regarding direct selling. If a business claims to be a pyramid scheme it is illegal and not legitimate direct selling – so consumers should remain vigilant to ensure they are not being deceived into participating in an illegal activity.
In pyramid selling, consumers pay money to their uplines or other participants who have been recruited by those at the top of the pyramid (the main organisers) who make their money by receiving a percentage of the sale price of goods sold at each level – not from personal sales to consumers.
Pyramid schemes are illegal because they are unsustainable – it is impossible to keep recruiting new people forever and so eventually there will not be any money coming in for you or the main organisers. Inevitably when this happens the pyramid collapses and most people at the bottom lose out.
What are the risks?
The biggest risk is that you will not be able to contact your prospect/customer again (after you become inactive) because they will have left, usually without saying goodbye. Even if you do manage to remain active in recruitment for a while longer, there is no guarantee you will be able to recruit more people in future.
How much it costs to participate in the first ever Green Monday Invest competition. But don’t worry, you won’t have to pay anything until after your model hits $100,000 – and even then only if you choose to cash out. Think of it as a training wheel challenge for the super rich.
Participants have been assigned a real life stock to buy and then must follow the price of that stock till 12:00 pm on December 26th UNLESS they sell before. I think it’s cool how all participants even get their own ‘virtual portfolio’ in which they can track their investment’s progress.
Each member has been assigned a ‘model’. You can see the list here:
I thought it would be cool to have a place where we could track each model and how well participants do, so I created this spreadsheet:
There is an ‘Instructions’ sheet that explains what everything means and how to use the sheet. Feel free to contribute if you have any ideas of how to improve it.