Gunsmith Part 2 – Escape From Tarkov Guide

The Gun Mechanic Quest has Gunsmith Part 2. Every one of them ask that players change firearms specificly. You’ll need to gather the Escape from Tarkov things through exchanging or plundering around. Here, we’ll list those determinations, so take notes!
For a game that is generally about cautiously looking at corners and pointing your adversaries, Escape from Tarkov likewise incorporates many various journeys to finish. A large portion of them are genuinely direct however a few, similar to Gunsmith Part 2, have caused in excess of a touch of disarray for some players. In case you’re battling with this adjustment challenge, this guide will intend to help you complete it absent a lot of challenge by any stretch of the imagination.
This is the second journey of the Gunsmith arrangement for Gunsmith Part 1 – Escape From Tarkov, initially named “Gunsmith Part 2”. Here we need to alter the Kalashnikov AKS-74U 5.45×39 type according to Mechanic’s directions. Right away, how about we investigate the authority mission depiction and bounce onto the alteration.
Idk on the off chance that anybody has posted this previously yet I did it two days prior and checked the market for pt. locks today, out of curiosity. I see there’s still shortage and a many individuals are attempting to trade for it.
Escape from Tarkov Gunsmith – Part 2 guide
The Gunsmith journeys in Escape from Tarkov are tied in with showing you how to change your weaponry between games. Gunsmith Part 2 requests that you change a M4A1, changing it from the disappointing base rendition to one outfitted with a silencer, 60-round broadened mag, sight rating of 800 and up, ergonomics over 67 and pull back whole under 350. Gracious and it additionally needs to weigh under 3.8kg. Straightforward, correct? Here are those necessities again in the event that you need them:
- Silencer
- 60-round broadened mag
- Locating range 800+
- Ergonomics 67+
- Force 350 or less
- Weight 3.8kg or less
All things considered, in excess of a couple of individuals have battled with this test, as it includes tracking down the correct parts for each piece of the weapon. We’ll walk you through one arrangement underneath. To begin, on the off chance that you don’t as of now have the Gunsmith Part 2 journey in Escape from Tarkov, you should be in any event level 15. You can get it from Mechanic on the off chance that you’ve managed the past ones.
When you have the journey, purchase a M4A1 from level 2 Escape from Tarkov Shoreline Map. It will not be excessively expensive, and you need it to finish this mission. Presently, with your weapon prepared, we suggest getting the parts beneath. They’re recorded by request of dealer, and you’ll have to have Level 3 Peacekeeper and Level 2 Mechanic/Skier opened. All credit to Tarkov’s Gamepedia wiki for proposing the form recorded here.
Part One (Level 10)
Alter a MR-133 so it fits the accompanying determinations:
- In any event 55 ergonomics
- 800 or less backlash
- Takes up four or less cells
- The magazine has a limit of at least six
- A laser connection (electric lamp and laser combo is additionally OK)
Part Two (Level 11)
This time it’s an AKS-74U you need to alter. The particulars are:
- 60 least ergonomics
- Not exactly or possibly 500 backlash
- In any event 100 locating range
- 5kg or lighter
- Six or less cell size
- The B-11 AKS-74U Handguard is connected
- The magazine is a 60 round 6L31 5.45×39 magazine, viable with AK-74 and comparable weapons
Part Three (Level 12)
Get a MP5 and alter it to fulfill the accompanying necessities:
- Ergonomics is at 62 or more prominent
- Has a base 200 locating range (the standard HK MP5 Drum Rearsight is suggested)
- 150 most extreme backlash
- Weight is no more prominent than 3.8kg
- X Products X-5 MP5 50-round 9×19 magazine
- MP5SD 9×19 Silencer joined
- Has a strategic spotlight (any electric lamp + laser combo connection)
Part Four (Level 15)
The weapon you need to alter is the M4A1, to these details:
- Least 64 ergonomics
- At most has 300 backlash
- Has in any event 800 locating range
- Weighs 3.8kg or less
- Has a 60-round expanded mag (the 60-round MAG5-60 5.56×45 STANAG suggested)
- Suffers a heart attack (Silencerco Hybrid 46 multi-type silencer suggested)
Part Five (Level 17)
Get a DVL-10 and alter it. The particulars are:
- Ergonomics at 36 or higher
- 350 and no more force
- At any rate 2,000 locating range
- 6kg or lighter in weight
- Has any laser gadget appended
Part Six (Level 18)
Here are the particulars for altering a R11 RSASS.
- In any event 62 Ergonomics
- Backlash at 250 or less
- Locating range at least 1,500
- Weighs 6.5kg or less
- Suffers a heart attack
Part Seven (Level 19)
You’ll need to alter a Remington Model 870 to these particulars:
- Has all things considered 340 backlash
- Has 60 or more prominent ergonomics
- Strategic Unit (Torch)
- Magpul MOE M870 forestock
- SGA stock for M870
Part Eight (Level 19)
Exchange for an AKM and adjust it. It ought to have the accompanying qualities:
- Not exactly or equivalent to 310 backlash
- More than or equivalent to 58 ergonomics
- More than or equivalent to 800 locating range
- Has the Fortis Shift strategic hold appended
- Has a silencer joined
- The magazine is a Pmag 30 AK/AKM GEN M3 7.62×39 magazine for AK and compatibles, 30-round limit
Part Nine (Level 20)
Give the Mechanic an AKS-74N. The necessary attributes are:
- Most extreme 380 force
- Least 63 ergonomics
- Takes up 8 or less cells
- Has the Zenit RK-3 AK single handed grip
- Has both the AKS-74/AKS-74U PT Lock and Zenit PT-3 “Klassika” stock
- Zenit B-33 residue cover for AK-74 connected
- Has the B-10M foregrip and rail mount B-19 connected
- Has the Zenit DTK-1 7.62×39 and 5.45×39 gag brake and compensator for AK connected
Part Ten (Level 20)
The Mechanic will request an AK-105 with the accompanying attributes:
- It has withdraw at 420 or less
- Its ergonomics is at least 70
- It has 800 or higher locating range
- Weighs 4.8kg or less
- Takes up 8 or less cells
- Has a silencer joined
- Utilizations the 60-round 6L31 5.45×39 magazine for AK-74 and compatibles
Part Eleven (Level 20)
From that point onward, he’ll request an AS VAL that has these qualities:
- It has ergonomics at least 44
- Its force doesn’t surpass 120
- The Fab Defense GL Shock Stock is joined
- AN/PEQ-15 strategic gadget is joined
- The NSPU-M night degree is joined
- Utilizations the 30-round SR3M.130 9×39 SR3M magazine
*A bug triggers when you eliminate the standard stock from the firearm when it’s actually collapsed. Ensure it’s unfurled before you begin modding.
Part Twelve (Level 23)
Discover and alter an AK-102 so it has the accompanying
- Ergonomics at 57 or more noteworthy
- Force at 430 or less
- Locating range at least 500
- Takes up 8 or less cells
- Has the Rotor 43 5.56×45 gag brake
- Has the Magpul AFG hold OD
- Suffers a heart attack “Kleh” strategic spotlight
Part Thirteen (Level 25)
The following weapon to adjust is a MPX, and here are the necessities
- A Skeletonized AR-15 single handed grip is joined
- An Annihilator 7.62×39, 5.56×45 and 9mm gag and compensator for AR-15 is joined
- A LAS/TAC 2 strategic spotlight
- 300 or higher locating range
- 62 or more noteworthy ergonomics
- Weighs 4kg or less
- 170 or less force
Part Fourteen (Level 27)
Alter an AKMN to fit the accompanying prerequisites
- A Magpul MOE AK HAND GUARD for AK Black is connected
- A MOE Carbine stock Black is connected
- A Magpul MOE single handed grip for AK is connected
- It utilizes a Pmag 30 AK/AKM GEN M3 7.62×39 magazine for AK and compatibles, 30-round
- A Magpul M-LOK AFG Tactical grasp Black is appended
- A Rotor 43 7.62×39 gag brake is connected
- It has a backlash of 280 or less
- It has ergonomics at least 62
- Weighs 5kg or less
- It has a locating scope of 500 or higher
Part Fifteen (Level 29)
Slap on certain mods on a M1A so it fits the accompanying
- Ergonomics at least 26
- Backlash at 270 or less
- Weighs 7.3kg or less
- Has the M14 Ultimak M8 upper part appended
- Has a Nightforce ATACR 7-35×56 Riflescope
- The Aim point Micro T-1 reflex sight
- Has a Holosun LS321 Tactical gadget
Part Sixteen (Level 35)
The last firearm to adjust is a M4A1, and it must have the accompanying:
- 67 least ergonomics
- 220 most extreme force
- 5kg most extreme weight
- A KAC QDSS NT-4 FDE 5.56×45 silencer
- A Handguard MK 10 for use with AR-15 and viable
- A Trijicon REAP-IR warm riflescope
- A 60-round expanded magazine