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How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy


Hogwarts Legacy, set roughly 100 years before Harry Potter’s time, follows a fifth-year student as they become immersed in the fascinating world of magic. Players will encounter various characters, creatures, and opponents that have never been seen in the franchise because of the game’s distinct setting and theme. During Percival Rackham’s Trial, where the player must overcome a Pensieve Guardian, the game’s strategy switches from pitting players against mostly simple opponents. By reading this article, you may learn how to destroy Pensieve guardian orbs in Hogwarts Legacy. Consequently, let’s begin:

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How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

Players will be hit by several lethal strikes as soon as the fight against the Pensieve Guardian starts. It’s not too tough to avoid the entity’s crimson ground pound assault and parry its missiles, but some people could have trouble destroying the orbs the Pensieve Guardian summons.

How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

Players should concentrate on destroying these orbs before they explode because they can produce a powerful blast if given enough time to grow. Casting a specific spell when the orbs are expanding is the greatest approach to prevent them from exploding. Players may need to assign various spells to their spell slot diamond during the battle because the necessary spells will vary depending on the hue of the orb.

How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

Accio or Depulso can be used to destroy a purple orb, Levioso or Glacius can be used to destroy a yellow orb, and Confringo or Incendio can be used to destroy a red orb. Players should equip a different version of each of these spells and be prepared to use them at any time if necessary to prevent these orbs from ever having the chance to burst.

How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

Ancient Magic should be used as frequently as possible to maximize one’s chances of survival, as the harm it deals can significantly reduce the Pensieve Guardian’s health. The player must use magic combos and gather the luminous items that appear to replenish the Ancient Magic meter. If the main character’s health is getting low, having a few Wiggenweld Potions on hand can be quite beneficial.

How to Break Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy


Is there a point of no return in Hogwarts Legacy?

Just a quick housekeeping note before we reveal the spoilers! After the Hogwarts Legacy ending, if you’re wondering if you can keep playing and complete your unfinished side quests, you’re in luck because this game doesn’t have a “point of no return” mechanic. After the conclusion, you are free to keep playing till you’re satisfied.

How many endings are there in Hogwarts Legacy?

In addition to Sebastian’s speech options, which affect how his companion quest line concludes, Hogwarts Legacy offers three primary endings for players to choose from. A good ending, a terrible ending, and a final end scene that may be used for either “good” or “bad” dialogue tracks are all included in Hogwarts Legacy.

What happens when you 100% Hogwarts Legacy?

Weasley’s Watchful Eye and The House Cup are the two main tale new tasks that become available to players after finishing Hogwarts Legacy’s story. In the former, players must find all of the missing pages in order to finish the Field Guide.

Can you go evil in Hogwarts Legacy?

But most significantly, you have the freedom to choose your own path through the journey, which will lead to unique results and eventually your own conclusion. However, you cannot actually become a villain in Hogwarts Legacy. Your character is the only one who can save the world, and the game is meant to set the player on that route.

Can you go to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy?

But most significantly, you have the freedom to choose your own path through the journey, which will lead to unique results and eventually your own conclusion. However, you cannot actually become a villain in Hogwarts Legacy. Your character is the only one who can save the world, and the game is meant to set the player on that route.
