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How To Build An EPIC Manor House in Enshrouded


how to build an epic manor house in enshrouded

In this guide to enshrouded we are going to deal with the problem of building Epic Manor house. So, lets start learning how you can build an awesome manor house in enshrouded in few steps.

1. Find the Perfect Spot:

Just like in normal life, we look for a perfect spot to build our house. We are going to do the same thing here. First of all, in northwest location look for a place where you can have lots of room to grow. You can use rake and dirt road to tidy things up and blend in with the surroundings.

2. Lay Down the Foundation:

So, when you have the perfect spot and you are going to start building, what most builders do is they lay down the foundation. You need to do the same, put some strong stones for the base of your house. Remember,Stone provides sturdy support for the structure..

3. Start Building the House:

Once you have the perfect spot and laid down the foundation. You need to start building it by using different kind of materials like rough stone, smooth wood and half-timber to make your house look good. Remember the better your house will look the more you are gonna love it. So, you need to use all this material in a perfect blend.

There are so many ideas available online to build house to make it look beautiful. You can also add fancy floors, cozy fireplaces, and pretty curtains to make it feel like home. Also remember, experimenting with materials adds depth and character to the design.

4. Create the Outdoor Space:

Remember, do not always think about just the building. You also have open or outdoor space available that you can use to make a garden with flowers and veggies. This will increase the look of your house.

5. Designing the Interior:

While building the manor house in enshrouded think of as you are building for yourself in real life. This is what will make it look and feel better. To do that, you need to make sure every room is comfy and useful, a nice kitchen, a cozy bedroom, and a chill living room.

Never forget to, to add personal touches like curtains and flower beds to enhance the ambiance.

6. Adding Finishing Touches:

It is the final stage in building manor house, You can try different roof types such as; chimneys and stone beams, window frames. Two layers of roof will hide the stepped wall poking through. Always pay attention to lighting and decor to set the mood.

By showing some creativity and hard work, you can make something amazing in Enshrouded.
