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How to Change Font in Google Chrome (Mac And PC)


You have the ability to alter the default fonts that are used by the Google Chrome web browser, as well as the size of the default fonts that are used by that browser. You also have the ability to change the size of the default fonts that are used by Google Chrome. You also have the ability to alter the typefaces that are utilised when the application is first launched.

You can easily do this by navigating to the settings menu, where you will also have the ability to select from a wide selection of various pre-set options. Some examples of these options include fonts with a fixed width, fonts with serifs, and fonts without sans-serifs. You can easily do this by navigating to the settings menu. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing the fonts that are used by Google Chrome on your Mac or desktop computer.

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How to Change Font in Google Chrome

1. On your computer, whether it’s a Mac or a PC, launch the Google Chrome web browser.

2. To access the menu, click the button that looks like three horizontal lines and is placed to the right of the URL bar. This will allow you to select the menu. If you haven’t updated Google Chrome in a while, this may have been replaced with an arrow that is white and is contained within a circle that is either red or green. If you haven’t updated Google Chrome in a while, this may have been replaced.

3. Select “Settings” from the menu that appears.

4. At the very bottom of the screen, you’ll see an option that says “Customize typefaces.” Click on that. The “Appearance” part of the menu is going to be where you can find it.

How to Change Font in Google Chrome (Mac And PC)

5. You may now alter the size of the typeface that will be used moving forward thanks to two sliders. The first slider controls the size of the text that is displayed by default, while the second controls the smallest and largest sizes of the typefaces that can be selected.

Altering the fonts that are used is another option at your disposal. Google Chrome allows users to access and work with typefaces that fall into one of four separate categories: serif, sans-serif, fixed-width, or standard. Through the use of the drop-down menus, you have the ability to select the specific fonts that Chrome will use for each of these categories.

How to Change Font in Google Chrome (Mac And PC)

6. When you have finished selecting your font selections, you will need to restart your browser so that the changes you have made will take effect.


On an Android device, is it possible to alter the font style?

You are able to modify the font style on some Android smartphones, but only on select models and manufacturers’ offerings. You can change the setting by selecting Font from the menu. If the alternatives that you desire are not displayed, you can look on the Google Play Store for additional apps and themes created by third-party developers.

Be aware that you should examine the reviews of any third-party app that you use to alter the font type on your phone before installing it. Many applications will bombard your phone with advertising or will not function correctly.

Is there a more efficient way for me to adjust the size of the font on my texts?

Yes. Simply pinching the screen will allow you to rapidly change the size of the font used in your text messages. To make it bigger, pinch your fingers together and then move them apart from each other to make the gesture. To reduce the overall size, simply move the pieces closer together.
