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How To Change Tick Speed in Minecraft


In Minecraft, a tick is approximately equivalent to one cycle of the algorithm that controls the game. The functionality of Minecraft is dependent on this algorithm, which is always iterating in a loop in order to react to the players’ actions and construct their world as they are playing. The game advances at a rate of 20 ticks per second, with one tick occurring approximately once every 0.05 seconds.

In Minecraft, things that the game believes to be random, such as crop growth or the spread of fire, can be affected by ticks at random. Players of Minecraft have the ability to change the rate at which these occurrences take place by modifying the random tick speed of their games. Having trouble figuring out how to do this? The following is a brief instruction manual to assist you in getting started.

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How To Change Tick Speed in Minecraft

When I mentioned the fact that Minecraft has a Tick Speed above, it’s possible that you don’t like the Tick Speed that is set by default in your game. Either you need your grass to grow more quickly or you want to clear the forest of trees as quickly as possible, which is why you want to change it.

How To Change Tick Speed in Minecraft

If this is the case, there is no reason to be afraid; all you need to do is read the full article to acquire all of the information that you require concerning it. To tell you the truth, this method is not at all difficult to carry out. It will unquestionably improve both the quality of your game and the overall experience you have. And yes, you are free to make whatever changes you see fit to them! Just follow the steps that are listed below.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is make sure that you are playing in creative mode or that Opie is installed on your server.

Step 2: To change the tick speed, you will need to enter the ‘/gamerule random tick speed’ command into the chat window. Tick speed can be altered by using the ‘/gamerule’ command in the console.

There are a few distinct Minecraft editions, each of which has this command. There are in particular two orders to follow:

  • /random /gamerule
  • value> TickSpeed

Step 3: At the very bottom of the screen, you will need to type in the following command: /gamerule randomTickSpeed.

Step 4: Once that is complete, you will be required to enter an accurate tick speed value in order to control the rate at which items expand or shrink.

Step 5: When you have finished inputting the specific value that you desire, press the enter key.

How To Change Tick Speed in Minecraft

Oh, my heavenly being! So this is it? Cheers! You did it! You’ve done a great job at customizing the tick speed in Minecraft to suit your preferences. Believe me, you will improve as the game goes on.

How To Change Tick Speed in Minecraft

That really wasn’t too difficult, was it? Therefore, I think this was helpful in selecting the tick speed that is most acceptable for you.


What is the fastest tick speed in Minecraft?

The Java Edition has a limit of 65,536 ticks per game tick for the maximum number of planned ticks.

What is the normal tick speed in Minecraft?

20 ticks in a single second
Tick of the game. The game loop in Minecraft generally runs at a constant rate of 20 ticks per second, which means that one tick occurs approximately once every 0.05 seconds. A day in the game lasts exactly 24000 ticks, which is equivalent to twenty minutes. On the other hand, if the computer is unable to maintain this speed, the number of game ticks that occur per unit of time will decrease.

How many seconds is 100 ticks?

There are 20 ticks in one second, hence there are five seconds in one hundred ticks.

Is higher tick speed better?

Increasing the tick speed in Minecraft can result in faster gameplay, which can have an effect on the growth of crops, the repopulation of mobs, and the progression of the game in general. Even while the game moves at a respectable rate on average, some players want shorter day cycles so that they can complete tasks more rapidly.

Is random tick speed 3 or 20?

In the Java Edition, the default random tick speed is set to three, but in the Bedrock Edition, it is set to one.
