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Dead or Alive 6

How to Earn some Fast Player Points in Dead or Alive 6


Player Points:

Dead or Alive 6 offers you loads of customization for each character. You can give your character amazing looks after unlocking the attires. To unlock items, you’re going to need Player points (an in-game currency) and you’re going to need a lot of them. Player points are required for almost every unlockable in the game. Luckily, there are a couple of ways through which you can quickly earn Player points in Dead or Alive 6. We’ll tell you all about earning fast Player points in this article.

Fastest ways to earn them:

This is the era of online gaming and many players prefer multiplayer/online mode over single player but it does not mean that you should not try single-player campaign especially when it is offering you valuable in-game currency. Dead or Alive 6 has a tempting quest mode for you offering nearly 100 mission and Tecmo will probably stack up the missions in DLC. You should spend some time playing quest mode if you want to earn some fast Player points.

Quest mode:

Single player quest contains a great number of challenges. Completing which will grant you easy in-game currency. Some of them are fairly easy to complete like you simply have to play a specific combo during the fight round or knock out the opponent using a special move. Some challenges grant plenty of points for you. We do not suggest that you go after every challenge in the inventory. Try going for some easy ones in the beginning and as you become an expert of the game, go for the hard ones.

Combo Challenges:

If you don’t enjoy quest mode, don’t worry, we got other options for you. You can try completing each character combo challenges. Accomplishing combo challenges is the best method for players who are reluctant to spend time on single player quest. You can earn 25-2500 points from these challenges and when you complete a full set for any character, it will give you an additional of 4250 Player points.

Players can earn in-game currency in both online and offline mode. In the end it all comes down to your preferences. If you’re willing to spend some time in single player quest mode, there is a lot for you in store. On the other hand, if you want to go straight up against opponents in online matches, there is no harm in that either.

What is your favorite mode of gameplay? Tell us in the comments section below.

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