How To Enable MMS On Iphone – Complete Guide

This wikiHow tells you how to make your iPhone capable of receiving multimedia messaging (MMS). MMS allows you to send multimedia communications to others who don’t have iPhones or aren’t using iMessage, such as images, videos, and group messaging, when you have the feature enabled. MMS, which stands for Multimedia Messaging Service, is normally enabled by default on your iPhone; however, you can only send and receive MMS messages while you are connected to the network of your mobile phone service provider.
How to Enable MMS Messaging for iPhone
Step-1 Turning On MMS
Turn on the cellular data connection. The MMS protocol must be used if you wish to send a multimedia message (such as a picture, video, or group message) while you are not connected to Wi-Fi, or if you want to send it to someone who is not using iMessage (for example, an Android user). [1] Even if you’re connected to the internet through Wi-Fi, you’ll need to use your cell carrier to send and receive MMS messages. To enable cellular data, follow these steps:
- On iPhone X and subsequent models, you may access the Control Center by swiping down from the upper-right corner of the home screen, or by swiping up from the bottom of the home screen, depending on the model.
- Activate the cellular icon in the upper-right tile (the vertical antenna with two curved lines on each side in the upper-right tile) if it is grey in order to make it green. If this is the case, you are already connected to the network.
- Some cellular plans may not include MMS messaging, while others may charge you if you send or receive more than a specified quantity of MMS messages. Before sending an MMS message, be sure to check with your carrier to find out about any particular limits that apply.
Open the iPhone’s Settings app, which has the filename Iphonesettingsappicon.png. In your home screen or app library, it is represented by the grey gear symbol.
Scroll down and choose Messages from the drop-down menu. It’s bundled alongside other Apple products like as Mail and Notes under a section called “Apps.”
To turn on MMS Messaging, scroll down and move the toggle switch to the “On” position. Image labelled Iphoneswitchonicon1.png. It may be found in the SMS/MMS area and will become green when selected. This enables your phone to send text messages that include images and videos utilising the data plan provided by your carrier.
- MMS is distinct from iMessage, which may be delivered over a Wi-Fi connection provided both the sender and the receiver have iMessage enabled on their devices. When Wi-Fi is available, it does not make use of cellular data.
- It is always MMS when you send a picture or other sort of multimedia communication to someone who has an Android phone; otherwise, it will be delivered as an SMS. If you do not activate MMS, you will be unable to send multimedia messages to anybody who has an Android device or anyone who has an iPhone who is not using iMessage.
Scroll down to the “Group Messaging” switch and slide it to the On (green) position. Image named Iphoneswitchonicon1.png iMessage enables you to send and respond to group messages, which may need MMS if the other members of the group are not using iMessage at the same time.
Step-2 Troubleshooting MMS
Check to check whether you’re able to send an SMS message from your device. An SMS message is a typical text message that is delivered over your cellular network to communicate with someone. If you are able to send an SMS but not an MMS, it is possible that the file is too big; carriers do have a restriction on the size of MMS attachments. Using Verizon, for example, the message must be less than 3.5 MB in size if you (or the person to whom you are sending the message) are using Verizon. [2] To send an SMS, you’ll need to switch off iMessage first. To do so, follow these steps:
- Launch the Settings application.
- Scroll down and choose Messages from the drop-down menu.
- Slide the “iMessage” switch to the “Off” (grey) position to turn the feature off.
- Return to the Messages app and make an attempt to send a text-only message to a single recipient with no attachments using the app’s default settings. Is it possible that it went through?
- If the text-only message was sent successfully, try sending it again with the attachment attached. However, if the message still does not get through, it is most likely because the attachment is too large or because your carrier has MMS restrictions.
- The receiver’s phone number was previously associated with an iPhone, thus if both SMS and MMS messages are sent after iMessage is deactivated, it’s most likely because the recipient is using an Android device. It’s possible that your iPhone is trying to send messages to their iMessage account rather than their phone number when sending MMS messages. If this is the case, have the receiver contact Apple for information on how to remove their phone number from the iMessage account with which it was previously tied..
- Make sure to switch iMessage back on when you’ve finished testing.
Make sure your iPhone is up to date. In the event that your phone has not been updated in a long time, you may have problems. For instructions on how to upgrade your phone, see How to Update iOS.
Reset the network settings on your computer. This will clean up all of your cellular and Wi-Fi connections, which may help to resolve any issues with your MMS service that have arisen. Remember that this will delete all of your stored Wi-Fi network passwords, and you will have to input them again the next time you connect to a Wi-Fi network after you do this.
- Go to the Settings menu.
- Select General from the drop-down menu.
- To start again, use the Reset button.
- Select Reset Network Settings from the drop-down menu. A passcode will be required if one has been set up for you to use.
Make contact with your service provider. Mobile messaging service (MMS) is a carrier feature, which means that your carrier is in charge of administering and maintaining the servers that transport MMS data from your iPhone to other phones and vice versa. You should contact your carrier if you are experiencing chronic MMS troubles. Your carrier may be able to reset your MMS service on their end, which will resolve the connection issue.
The MMS tab and group settings tab are not on the message settings, where can I find them elsewhere?
The MMS and group switches may be absent when you go to Settings>Messages and scroll down, which indicates that either your service plan does not enable MMS, or that you need to configure it. For further information, contact your wireless provider.