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How to Get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy


The mandrakes in Hogwarts Legacy will be well-known to viewers and readers of the Harry Potter movies and novels. Without proper ear protection, you should avoid coming into contact with these mystical plants, but in the game, you won’t need to worry too much about that. The major challenge is in fact locating the origin of these shrill plants. There are a few ways to obtain them, but none are specifically mentioned to you. This article will describe how to obtain a mandrake in the Hogwarts Legacy if you’re up for a brief course in herbology. Consequently, let’s begin:

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How to Get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy

There are three basic ways to obtain mandrakes:

How to Get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy

1. Where to buy mandrakes

If you have the money, buying mandrakes is the most straightforward way to acquire them. Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade are the only trustworthy sources you can always turn to for your mandrakes fix, despite the fact that other sellers are hit-or-miss when it comes to stocking up on them. They cost 500 Galleons each to purchase.

2. How to grow mandrakes

If you want to demonstrate your green thumb, plant mandrake seeds on a potting table in the herbology class and watch them grow. Again, Dogweed and Deathcap are sources for seeds.

3. Where to find mandrakes

You can scavenge for mandrake in the wild if you’re short on time and money. You can wind up looking all around the Forbidden Forest to find these plants because they are a rare resource and only grow there.

What mandrakes are used for

The most crucial usage of mandrakes in Hogwarts Legacy is that you must start Professor Garlick’s tasks in order to learn critical spells like Wingardium Leviosa and Flipendo. Additionally, you can use them to stun, silence, and even harm adversaries nearby during combat.

How to Get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy


Where can I buy Mandrake seeds in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, you must go to Dogweed and Deathcap to obtain Mandrakes. The only source of mandrakes and mandrake seeds is this store north of Hogsmeade.

How much is Mandrake seeds Hogwarts Legacy?

You can buy Mandrakes from the shop owner for 500 Galleons apiece, or if you’ve progressed far enough in the game to be able to grow items in the Room of Requirement, you can buy Mandrake seeds for 800 Galleons and grow your own Mandrakes.

Can you find Mandrake in the wild Hogwarts Legacy?

You can scavenge for mandrake in the wild if you’re short on time and money. You can wind up looking all around the Forbidden Forest to find these plants because they are a rare resource and only grow there.

What is the most powerful spell in Harry Potter?

Avada Kedavra, Voldemort’s go-to spell for inflicting his will and dread upon others, tops the list of the most potent spells in the Harry Potter universe. It is simple for anyone in the Wizarding World to cast the spell, which is a pun on Abra Kadabra.

What is the scariest spell in Harry Potter?

What, though, is the worst of them all? Some claim that Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse that Voldemort employed so indiscriminately, is the worst spell ever created.
