How to Get Buffoon in Hours Roblox – A Complete Guide

In this guide we will tell you how to get buffoon in hours roblox so we strongly recommend you to keep readinf the article till the end. Don’t forget to follow the procedure till the end and also contact us if you need any guidance and you can find out many other ways to get free robux in roblox. Buffoon seems to have lightning bolt on his chest thats what makes it very attractive.
Characteristics of Buffoon and Why You Should Have it?
Buffoon is usually a recolor of Astral Hermit which the enemy, It has an attractive feature of duck symbol on his chest.
Its amazing appearance is not the only reason that makes you have it. It has a fire homing spell bolt which causes 15 damage. It also reduces the cooldown of Bolt-Ex by 1 if you can manage to use it in the middle of a spell combo.
Though Bolt-Ex fire strongestt homing spell bolt which causes silence for 3 seconds and up to 45 damages. It can also be re-activated to use this spell in combo with other spells. It makes so fast move that you can move twice as fast for 1 second as compared with others.
Now lets find out how you can get it.
Here is how to get buffoon in hours roblox (Bufoon Unlock Guide)
In order to get buffoon host you need to increase your screen shake to the maximum up to 1000%. Then go to endless mode, now you need to go through waves as quick as you can and keep ugrading at the same time untill you get the upgrade called cold treasure. Keep using 9x speed in the game. Once you have got all the upgrade it is the time to pick any cold treasure.
In the endless time now let yourself die, after you have died in the game it is time to leave the game and rejoin the same server in which you were playing before.
Turn on your screen and let the fog come in, once you have the fog now it is time to make a move. Walk out the door and follow the given path. When you see the pink button step on it and return to the building.
Now find the door at the left and go in there and once you are inside look for the corner at the right end. At this point you need to follow the path that glowing blocks guide you. It is the time when you will find the duck on the roof by climbing up on block.
Step on the duck and you will recieve a badge for buffoon. You will get to know that you stepped on duck when you will hear the duck sound.