How to Get Mutated Hearts in Dead Island 2

The ability to craft items in Dead Island 2 is an essential part of the game’s fighting system because it allows players to maintain and improve their arsenal. Using the appropriate components, a weapon’s status effect mods, defensive abilities, and perk capabilities can be upgraded to a higher level. Of course, there are some crafting supplies that are more readily available than others. A mutated heart is one of the rarest items in the game and also one of the most difficult to get. In contrast to other items, such as fabric or chemicals, mutated hearts are never to be found anyplace. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining mutant hearts in Dead Island 2 and its subsequent sequels. So let’s get started:
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How to Get Mutated Hearts in Dead Island 2
Players may only acquire mutated hearts by completing late-game tasks that take them through the zombie-infested neighborhoods of Los Angeles. The only way for players to acquire a Mutated Heart is to do so by destroying a Mutator Apex Zombie. On the other hand, this version does not begin to spawn until after the 21st mission, which is titled “The Search for Truth.”
The players will have their first encounter with the Mutator known as Subject: Noah when they are compelled to participate in The Search for Truth. They will get an up-close and personal look at the various Mutator assault patterns there. The Mutators are monstrous, gigantic Zombies that have a bone that looks like a sword sticking out of their left arm. Because they are tanks with great health and offensive attributes, killing them is not an easy task because it requires a lot of effort.
Mutators will swing their sword arm in a sweeping motion to hit players close up, and they can shoot projectiles from far away. In addition, Mutators have a jump attack that, when used, causes a shockwave that knocks other players backward. However, there’s a chance their sword arm will get stuck when they land, which is the perfect chance for players to get in some damage.
In addition, Mutators do not immediately take on their grotesquely enlarged and horrifying appearance. Instead, they appear to be standard Zombies until they are aroused by a loud noise or when they become aware of the presence of players. It is one of the simplest methods to defeat them to attack them before they morph, but you will either need to be stealthy or have an explosive at your disposal. After killing a Mutator, there is a 50/50 chance they will drop a Mutated Heart.
Due to the nature of these chances, cultivating Mutated Hearts in Dead Island 2 could require a significant amount of time and work. Luckily, Mutator hot spots are marked on the map, so players can find them in groups in these areas. Another solid strategy is to play in co-op and take them on with other Slayers. Since zombies may only concentrate their attention on a single foe at a time, it is possible for one player to attack them while they are preoccupied with another.
Where to find mutated zombies Dead Island 2?
If you are wanting to take out some Mutators, the best places to do it are the Mutator Hotspots in The Metro, Bel-Air, or Beverly Hills. There, you will have a much better chance of finding them.
Does Dead Island 2 have multiple endings?
Does Dead Island 2 Have More Than One Possible Outcome? In Dead Island 2, you have the option to play as any one of the game’s six different players, and each of these slayers has a unique ending that focuses on their particular journey through the game. On the other hand, this does not imply that the story of the game itself has more than one conclusion to provide.
Where do you farm mutated hearts in Dead Island 2?
The only way for players to acquire a Mutated Heart is to do so by destroying a Mutator Apex Zombie. On the other hand, this version does not begin to spawn until after the 21st mission, which is titled “The Search for Truth.” The players will have their first encounter with the Mutator known as Subject: Noah when they are compelled to participate in The Search for Truth.
What happens to Tisha in Dead Island 2?
In Dead Island 2, players learn that Tisha, the daughter of Dr. Reed, is the true key to making a cure for the Autophage near the conclusion of the game’s narrative. Tisha is also Dr. Reed’s daughter. Unfortunately, right before the boss fight against the altered version of Reed, Tisha manages to flee the battle and is never seen again, which sets the stage for an exciting rescue mission in a downloadable content pack.
Is your character immune in Dead Island 2?
Sam B plays an important part once again at the beginning of Dead Island 2, guiding players through the process of customizing and repairing their weapons via the workbench. Even though the slayers do not always listen to Sam B, he is the reason why they are aware that they are resistant to the disease. Sam B is a recurring character that possesses a great deal of knowledge that he shares with the other characters.