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How to Get the Soul of the Sky in Handyman Roblox?


If you want to get the soul of the sky in handyman Roblox you need to hop on your helicopter. While moving towards the flying platform you need to look for the paper. While moving towards the farmhouse that leads towards the second floor. On the second floor, you will get a dev structure. Now is the time to move back to your helicopter and keep flying till you get to the cloud.

When you are on the cloud, the soul of the sky will be right there. Get started with all the fun immediately! If you want to get the soul of the sky for free, make sure you earn some badges and meet the friendly man, Bacon. He may give you the soul of the sky for free. However, you will need to earn your rewards for that.

Wrap Up

If you love to play Handyman Roblox and want to learn some tips and tricks it has become easier than before. Whether you are looking for coins, a helicopter, or a physical gun, this guide has all the details. We hope that your gaming experience becomes fun and thrilling with our suggestions! Do let us know in the comment sections if you find this post informative.
