How to Recall an Email in Gmail (Perfect Method)

We’ve all experienced those occasions when we sent an email and quickly regretted doing so. Fortunately, if you find yourself in this situation and you’re using Gmail, you have a short window in which to correct your error, but you only have a few seconds to do so. Here’s how to do it.
While these instructions are for Gmail users, they may also be used by Outlook users to reverse previously sent emails. You only have a 30-second window in which to recall a previously sent email, so you’ll have to act quickly.
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How to Recall Email in Gmail
When sending an email message on Gmail, you have the option to recall it by default, but only for the first five seconds after pressing “send.” Here’s how to do it.
1. Send the email
In an ideal world, you’d want to avoid taking this step because it’s technically incorrect. However, you cannot undo the sending of an email without first sending it, so for demonstrative reasons, here is an email that I will regret sending the second after it has been sent.
2. Quickly hit ‘Undo’
When you push this button, you have to be lightning fast — so fast that I mistakenly sent it to myself while trying to take pictures of the action. A button that says “Message sent” with the phrases “Undo” and “View message” adjacent to it may be found in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Press the “Undo” button.
3. Breathe a sigh of relief
It is possible that the email will be returned to draught form as seen in the image below, with the words “Sending undone” flashing in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen if you respond quickly enough.
How to Recall an Email in Gmail on Mobile Devices
When using the Gmail app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device, the method for remembering an email is the same as it is on your computer. A black pop-up window will display at the bottom of your screen once you have sent an email using Google’s email client, indicating that the email has been sent.
The “Undo” button will appear on the right-hand side of this pop-up window once you’ve made your selection. In order to prevent the email from being sent, you must click on this button inside the cancellation time.
By using the “Undo” button, you may go back to the “Compose” draught screen of the programme, where you can start over. Afterwards, you may make modifications to your email, store it as a draught, or just remove it from your inbox.
Can I Unsend an email in Gmail after 10 minutes?
Hi, You will not be able to remember any messages sent outside of the time frame specified in your Gmail Settings. The default timeout is 5 seconds, with a maximum timeout of 30 seconds.
How can I delete a sent email after 1 hour?
The Messages tab is located at the top of the screen. To recall a message, select “Recall this message…” from the “Actions” drop-down menu present at the right end of the tab. The Messages tab is located at the top of the screen. Navigate to the “Move” group and select “Recall this message…” from the drop-down menu. Then, from the “Recall This Message” pop-up box, choose the recall method you want to use.