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How to Remove Poop Stains from Underwear


We have all been there. You are wearing white pants and you leave the bathroom without flushing the toilet. Suddenly you realize your mistake but by then it is too late. Your pants are stained with brown poop. So what do you do?

If the stain is fresh, you can try to remove it by scrubbing it with vinegar. If the stain is older, however, it may be more difficult to remove. In that case, you may need to soak the pants in a mixture of water and vinegar overnight.

If you have a Brazilian wax, you may be concerned about how to get rid of poop in your underwear. The good news is that this type of stain is usually easy to remove. Just soak the underwear in a mixture of water and vinegar overnight and the stain should disappear.

The bottom line is that there are several ways to remove poop stains from underwear. If the stain is fresh, you can try scrubbing it with vinegar. If the stain is older, you can soak the underwear in a mixture of water and vinegar overnight. And if you have a Brazilian wax, you can soak the underwear in a mixture of water and vinegar overnight. Hopefully, one of these methods will work for you.
