How to thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, PC & Mobile

It was released in 2018 and is a cute little easter egg that says “Thank you to the bus driver.” Despite the fact that it makes no difference in terms of gameplay, many players continue to do so in order to kill time as they wait for an appropriate opportunity to exit the Battle Bus.
Every now and again, though, a challenge or mission in Fortnite will demand you to express your gratitude to the Bus Driver in order to win experience points or a free prize. It’s critical to know which command to use in these situations so that you don’t run out of options before time runs out.
The information below can help you, whether you’ve never thanked a bus driver before or you simply need a refresher because you forgot (don’t worry, it happens to the best of us!).
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How do you thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite?
It is necessary to use the same button that is used to activate your emote wheel in order to express your gratitude to the Bus Driver in Fortnite. This must be completed before you are allowed to exit the Battle Bus at the start of a match.
Here’s how to express gratitude to the Bus Driver in Fortnite on all platforms:
The instructions or buttons listed above are based on the original control settings for Fortnite. The emote command will be assigned to a different button, so you’ll need to push that button instead of the previous one.
In order to determine whether or not you were successful, look for a message in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen that says ‘[your username] has thanked the bus driver’ in orange lettering.
What does ‘thanking the Bus Driver’ do in Fortnite?
The next weekly punchcard challenge in Fortnite urges players to “Thank the Bus Driver,” according to the game’s official website. This quest is one of the simplest, since it just requires you to press a single button to complete it. To demonstrate how to Thank the Bus Driver in Fortnite Battle Royale and gain some easy experience points (XP) in Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 8, we’ll walk you through the process.
Thanking the Bus Driver in Fortnite does not result in any further benefits or changes to the game’s mechanics. Just a fun little feature for gamers to discover – as well as a method to express their virtual gratitude – is what it is. Having stated that, some seasons have problems that need you to express gratitude to the bus driver. It is necessary for you to follow the correct instruction in the table above in order to acquire experience points.
Season 8, for example, has a Weekly Punchcard that requires you to thank the Bus Driver a total of 10 times in order to win a whooping 45,000 experience points. However, you are only allowed to do this once every match.
When you’ve finished, you’ll see that the name will display in orange rather than red in the bottom left corner of your screen. Please keep in mind that the controls shown above will alter if you have re-mapped the button for ‘Emotes’ at any time in the past – in any case, the controls are the same as the Emote button in-game!