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Lies Of P: Where To Find Alidoro


Are you looking for Alidoro in Lies of P? Look no further! This guide will show you where to find this important NPC and how to make the most of his services. Alidoro is a crucial character who trades Rare Ergo for special equipment that can enhance your gameplay. To meet him, teleport to the Stargazer at the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library and progress through the left path to a large room with a lift. Don’t miss out on the unique weapons and amulets he has to offer!

Meeting Alidoro for the First Time

When you reach the top of the lift in the large room, you’ll come face-to-face with Alidoro for the first time. He’ll greet you and ask if there’s a place he can seek refuge. You can choose to tell the truth and send him to Hotel Krat or lie and still have the chance to send him there later. It’s preferable to send him to Hotel Krat because Venigni Works is still filled with puppets.

Lies Of P: Where To Find Alidoro

After the interaction, you can access Alidoro’s shop by talking to him again. In his shop, you can spend Rare Ergo to purchase special weapons and amulets. Make sure to check in with Alidoro regularly as you collect more Rare Ergo to continue trading and upgrading your equipment.

Where to find Alidoro in Lies of P

You can frequently locate Alidoro in the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, where he offers rare equipment in exchange for Rare Ergo. Alidoro is an NPC who plays a crucial role in enhancing your gameplay experience. By trading Rare Ergo with him, you can unlock unique weapon upgrades and enhance your combat capabilities. Rare Ergo items, obtained from defeating bosses, serve as valuable currency when interacting with Alidoro.

Lies Of P: Where To Find Alidoro

Accumulating Rare Ergo provides an advantage, allowing you to access special weapons and make the most of your Ergo count. Don’t forget to grab the Archbishop’s Holy Mark from the balcony area where Alidoro is located. This item is essential for certain quests or progression in the game. Discovering Alidoro’s presence adds depth to your gaming journey and ensures a more rewarding and enjoyable experience.

How To Find Alidoro

If you follow the left path from the Stargazer in the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, you can find Alidoro. He’s an NPC who offers valuable services related to special weapons and Rare Ergo.

Alidoro’s role is crucial in enhancing your gameplay by utilizing the obtained Ergo efficiently. He can help you trade special weapons using Rare Ergo obtained from defeating bosses. Rare Ergo items serve the same purpose as regular Ergo Fragments, but it’s advisable to save them for trading with Alidoro.

Lies Of P: Where To Find Alidoro

Interacting with Alidoro opens up new possibilities for weapon upgrades and enhancements, greatly enhancing your combat capabilities. Don’t forget to grab the Archbishop’s Holy Mark from the balcony area where Alidoro is located, as it’s essential for certain quests or progression in the game.

Speak to Alidoro to trade Rare Ergo for special weapons

To obtain special weapons, speak to Alidoro and trade your Rare Ergo for them. Alidoro, the NPC located in St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, offers a unique opportunity to enhance your gameplay. By defeating bosses in Lies of P, you can earn Rare Ergo, which can be consumed to increase your Ergo count or sold to Alidoro.

Alidoro’s shop provides a variety of special weapons and amulets that can be purchased with Rare Ergo. It’s important to regularly check in with Alidoro as his inventory expands throughout the game.

Take advantage of this opportunity to trade your Rare Ergo for powerful weapons that can greatly enhance your combat capabilities. Don’t miss out on the chance to speak with Alidoro and unlock the potential of your Rare Ergo.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Unlock Access to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library in Lies of P?

To unlock access to the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library in Lies of P, you need to progress through Moonlight town and the Path of Misery. Keep going until you reach the St. Frangelico Cathedral Chapel.

Can I Choose to Lie to Alidoro When He Asks if There’s a Place He Can Seek Refuge?

Yes, you can choose to lie to Alidoro when he asks if there’s a place he can seek refuge. However, it’s preferable to send him to Hotel Krat for better outcomes.

What Happens if I Send Alidoro to Venigni Works Instead of Hotel Krat?

If you send Alidoro to Venigni Works instead of Hotel Krat, the area will still be filled with puppets. It’s better to send him to Hotel Krat for his safety and to continue trading with him.

How Often Does Alidoro’s Inventory Expand and Offer New Items for Trade?

Alidoro’s inventory expands and offers new items for trade periodically as you progress through the game. Keep checking in with him to see the latest options and enhance your gameplay experience.

Is There a Limit to How Many Rare Ergo I Can Trade With Alidoro at Once?

There is no limit to how many Rare Ergo you can trade with Alidoro at once. You can trade as many as you have accumulated from defeating bosses and use them to purchase special weapons and upgrades.


In conclusion, Alidoro is a crucial NPC in Lies of P who can enhance your gameplay by exchanging Rare Ergo for special equipment. To find him, teleport to the Stargazer at the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library and follow the left path to a large room with a lift. After reaching the top, you’ll encounter Alidoro and have the opportunity to trade with him. Don’t forget to regularly visit him at Hotel Krat to check his expanding inventory for new options.
