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Should You Rely on SaaS Companies?


SaaS companies – Software as a Service, any company that hosts a tool over the internet – have been a large topic of discussion recently. While some people are adamantly against using them, others embrace how useful a SaaS tool can be in the right situation.

But are they worth using, or are they something you should avoid unless you absolutely need them? More importantly, should you rely on them heavily, or are they better off being used as a specialist tool?  You can visit Sprinto to learn more about the SaaS services you can use for your company.

The Arguments Against SaaS

A lot of the complaints about SaaS stem from the idea of ownership – you are getting everything from a third party and do not have as much control over the services. This is generally false, but many people misunderstand exactly what happens when you use a SaaS company.

While a SaaS tool can sound risky at first, a lot of SaaS companies explain the exact terms of working with them from the beginning. This means that you can find out what happens if their system goes down, if you stop being a customer for them, or if you change the pricing plan that you are on.

Another common argument is that it is risky since you put data in the hands of another party. This is something that almost any online tool involves, not just a SaaS tool – at least SaaS companies have security measures and contingencies in place to make sure that your data is not easily lost.

Why Use SaaS?

SaaS provides easy access to a range of tools that you otherwise would not have. For example, your company might need compliance programs to attempt full compliance automation, and using a SaaS tool for that means that you do not have to install and set up very much yourself.

This makes SaaS companies invaluable for small businesses – they are the programming equivalent of hiring a freelancer. For a fee, you can get access to an important SaaS tool protected by the company’s own security measures.

SaaS companies are also great for larger businesses since the cost is usually negligible, and having access to the SaaS tool is far more important. SaaS tools are also generally used over the internet, allowing them to be used by multiple branches or offices at the same time.

Are There Any Risks?

The biggest risks relating to SaaS companies are those that come from being unprepared. Paying for software that is not compatible with your system is one example – if a program will not work on your devices, then paying for that SaaS tool is a bad idea.

Having a backup plan in place is important too. You need to work out what you will do if you change to another SaaS tool or decide to bring the work in-house with a local copy of the tool. Can you get your data from the SaaS companies? Do you need to pay any hidden fees?

The best way to avoid these problems is to do your research ahead of time. SaaS companies can be incredibly varied, and you should always look into important details like their pricing structure or the way that they approach contracts.
