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The Big Mistakes People Make in Buying Mediclaim Policy and How to Avoid Them



Health insurance forms a fundamental pillar of a robust financial plan, and in India, its significance cannot be overstated. However, many individuals unwittingly fall into pitfalls that can have profound repercussions. In this comprehensive article, we will dissect some of the common blunders people in India make when purchasing health insurance policies and offer guidance on how to circumvent these pitfalls.

1. Underestimating the Need for Health Insurance

One of the most significant misjudgments people make is underestimating the need for health insurance plans. It’s all too common to delay purchasing insurance, with the belief that youth and good health make it unnecessary. Yet, life’s unpredictability means that accidents and illnesses are indiscriminate. Regardless of age or health, not having insurance can result in substantial financial burdens, potentially wiping out savings or forcing individuals into insurmountable debt.

How to Avoid It:

Start early. Acquiring health insurance while young and healthy is a prudent decision. Premiums are lower for young individuals, and comprehensive coverage is more readily accessible. Even if you’re in your twenties or thirties and seldom experience health issues, health insurance acts as a safety net in the event of the unexpected.

2. Opting for the Cheapest Policy

The appeal of low premiums often lures individuals into opting for the cheapest available health insurance policy. While affordability is a legitimate concern, selecting the least expensive policy without considering the coverage it offers can lead to substantial issues down the road. Inexpensive policies might include sub-limits, capping the maximum amount claimable for specific treatments, potentially hindering your capacity to meet healthcare expenses adequately.

How to Avoid It:

Give precedence to comprehensive coverage. Meticulously scrutinize policy documents to comprehend the coverage offered. Take note of sub-limits, co-payments, and deductibles. When deciding on a policy, factor in your family’s medical history and potential future healthcare needs.

3. Neglecting Pre-Existing Conditions

A common error is neglecting to disclose pre-existing medical conditions when acquiring health insurance. This omission can result in denied future claims or policy cancellations. Even if the insurer accepts the claim, it may impose a waiting period or exclude coverage for the pre-existing condition.

How to Avoid It:

Honesty is the best policy. Disclose all pre-existing conditions, regardless of how well-managed or seemingly trivial they may be. Waiting periods for pre-existing conditions vary among insurers, so exploring options for reasonable waiting periods and coverage for such conditions is advisable.

4. Overlooking Policy Exclusions

A frequent mistake is failing to grasp policy exclusions. Health insurance policies typically encompass specific exclusions—conditions, treatments, or situations not covered. Ignoring these exclusions can be a source of frustration when claims are disallowed.

How to Avoid It:

Become familiar with policy exclusions. Carefully peruse policy documents. Pay particular attention to typical exclusions, such as cosmetic treatments, non-allopathic treatments, and self-inflicted injuries. Understanding what isn’t covered will help set realistic expectations.

5. Inadequate Coverage for Family Members

Acquiring inadequate coverage for family members is another prevalent pitfall. Family health insurance plans are popular in India as they offer coverage for the entire family. However, opting for a policy with a low sum insured might prove insufficient, especially if you have elderly parents or family members with specific healthcare requirements.

How to Avoid It:

Assess the unique healthcare needs of your family. Consider age, health status, and potential health risks for each family member. When selecting a sum insured, balance it to accommodate potential medical expenses while keeping premiums reasonable.

6. Not Considering the Network Hospitals

Many individuals overlook the list of network hospitals when procuring health insurance. Network hospitals are facilities where cashless treatment can be obtained. Choosing a policy with a restricted network may limit your selection of hospitals and hinder your access to quality healthcare.

How to Avoid It:

Review the network hospitals list affiliated with the policy. Ensure it includes reputable hospitals in your area. A broader network offers greater flexibility and choices in the event of a medical emergency.

7. Ignoring No-Claim Bonus (NCB)

The no-claim bonus (NCB) feature in many health insurance policies is sometimes disregarded. NCB is a reward provided by insurers to policyholders who don’t file claims during a policy year, resulting in a premium discount for the subsequent year.

How to Avoid It:

Choose a policy featuring NCB. Comprehend how NCB accumulates and impacts premiums. Ensure that your insurer offers NCB, and view it as a long-term benefit tied to maintaining good health.

8. Failure to Disclose Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, can influence health insurance premiums. Some individuals fail to disclose these habits or provide incorrect information, hoping to lower their premiums. However, concealing such information can lead to claim rejections down the line.

How to Avoid It:

Be forthright about your lifestyle habits when applying for health insurance. While it might lead to higher premiums, it ensures comprehensive coverage and prevents complications during the claims process.

9. Not Understanding the Policy Terms

Many people purchase health insurance without fully grasping the policy’s terms and conditions. This can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction when attempting to file a claim or utilize policy benefits.

How to Avoid It:

Devote time to reading and comprehending the policy documents. If necessary, seek guidance from an insurance advisor or company representative. Clarify any doubts or ambiguities to ensure complete awareness of the policy’s terms.

10. Failing to Review and Update the Policy

Health insurance needs can evolve over time, particularly as your family expands or your healthcare requirements change. Neglecting to periodically review and update your policy is a common oversight, potentially resulting in being underinsured or overpaying for coverage that is no longer relevant.

How to Avoid It:

Regularly review your health insurance policy to ensure it aligns with your current healthcare needs. Make necessary updates to include family members or increase the sum insured as required. Stay informed about any changes in the policy’s terms and coverage.


Health insurance is an indispensable facet of financial planning in India. Evading common missteps when purchasing health insurance is crucial to ensure that your policy delivers the requisite protection. By comprehending policy terms, providing accurate information, and prioritizing comprehensive coverage, informed decisions can be made, securing your family’s health and financial well-being. Keep in mind that health insurance is an investment in your peace of mind and security, necessitating the selection of the right policy tailored to your specific requirements.
