Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities offers various incredible and simple to-utilize framework devices and utilities to fix, accelerate, keep up and ensure your PC.
Glary Utilities enable you to clean normal framework garbage records, just as invalid vault passages and Internet follows. You can oversee and erase program additional items, investigate circle space use and discover copy documents. You can likewise view and oversee introduced shell augmentations, encode your records from unapproved access and use, split enormous documents into littler sensible records and after that rejoin them. Moreover, Glary Utilities incorporates the choices to discover, fix, or evacuate broken Windows alternate ways, deal with the projects that begin at Windows startup and uninstall programming.
Every single Glary Utility devices can be gotten to through an eye-satisfying and absolutely shortsighted interface.
Glary Utilities changelog:
- Advanced Disk Cleaner: included help for ‘MusicBee’ and ‘Digsby’
- Upgraded Tracks Eraser: included help for ‘MusicBee’ and ‘Digsby’
- Minor GUI enhancements
- Minor bug fixes
Download: Glary Utilities | 16.9 MB (Freeware)
Download: Portable Glary Utilities | 20.3 MB
View: Glary Utilities Homepage
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